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Published: Sat, 09/04/21

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Urban Marriage 13: Atlanta Girls’ Wedding Bells by Tulipe Pascere

Urban Marriage 13: Atlanta Girls’ Wedding Bells by Tulipe Pascere

SERIES Book 13: young divorcée and her lesbian friend are wed by their pastor with two of four Christian parents strongly opposing the union
AMAZON KINDLE FICTION: Lesbian Romance / Christian Romance
Mature Christian audience: adult conversations, no violence, no erotica

Targeted Age Group:: 21 – 30 plus
Heat/Violence Level: Heat Level 3 – PG-13

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
We explore contemporary marriage and faith in our URBAN MARRIAGE series. In Urban Marriage 13, two Atlanta women bond after their broken relationships. Pastoral counseling affirms their commitment in the face of strong opposition from Christian family members. Will they make it to the altar?

How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
We write from personal experiences and real-life situations of friends in the faith community. Quiet study and pastoral counseling have shaped our views. We strive to understand both sides of an issue. Our characters make mistakes, have doubts, and find peace with God in their life decisions.

Book Sample
1. Mom Rejects Her Lesbian Daughter's Engagement
2. Mom Insists on Premarital Counseling to Avoid a Foolhardy Decision
3. Sherri and Aubrey Discuss Family
4. Aubrey Assures Sherri
5. Some Parents are Boss, Some Jail Keepers
6. Pastor Pete
7. Café Stop
8. More Couples Therapy Session at Intimacy Restored
9. After the Surrogate Partner Session
10. Counsel with Pastor Isabel
11. Marla's News
12. Counsel with Pastor Isabel and Husband Paul
13. Asking Hard Questions
14. Forgiving Family Members Who Judge
15. Mom Goes off the Rails (Menopause?)
16. Aubrey's Dad Has a Change of Heart
17. Undeserved Love
18. Rooms of a Marriage
19. Dinner with Muriel (Who Married that Seminary Prof)
20. Seven Stages in Accepting a Gay Family Member
21. Wedding Bells!
22. Aubrey's Notes for a Romance Novel
23. The Dreaded Christian Books Reviewers Chapters

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Doukas by Demetra Georgiou

Doukas by Demetra Georgiou

They say that crime knows no bounds. Or does it?
Doukas Tremes and his brothers, the Lords, are one of the most influential and dangerous crime families in Greece. In their world, everything revolves around crime, and they stop at nothing.
Having inherited a failing business, Ria Vamou tries to make ends meet. On top of everything else, a gang is pressuring her to pay them protection for her taverna.
Love is nowhere near her plans. All it takes is one night, one photograph, one kiss, and everything changes. Forever!
Nothing will stop Doukas from making Ria his because he finally found a woman worth starting a war over.

Doukas is the first full-length standalone novel in the Greek Crime Lords Series. It describes scenes of violence and sexual content, so please read at your own discretion.

Targeted Age Group:: Adult Audiences Only
Heat/Violence Level: Heat Level 5 – NC-17

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
It all started with a picture in my head of a guy seeing a girl's photo and is consumed by her. I've actually written it as part of my first novel, the Give & Take Duet, but it didn't actually fit there.
And then I started thinking, "What if this love story was complicated? What if the guy is a criminal? Does he have the right to find his better half?"
The rest is history, as they say. Doukas and Ria's story surprised me by its intensity and the caracters' tenacity to overcome the hurdles life kept throwing their way.
And when I actually got down to write Doukas, I thought it'd be nice to have a good support system in his family. Initially, he was meant to have a twin brother, but soon that changed, ending up with four brothers and a sister.
Soon enough, the small outline for one book became a plan for eight novels in the series of Greek Crime Lords and Royals.

How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
I wanted Doukas to be different from the usual tortured hero. He sees a woman in a photo and has to know her. On the other hand, Ria has gone from one disappointment to another and finds it hard to trust Doukas and his motives. But some people are just meant to be, and these two are such a pair.
Ria doesn't have much family to speak of, but Doukas's family is enough compensation as they take her to their midst and protect her against the person who threatens to tear down everything she's worked so hard on.
Doukas's siblings are a rather odd bunch, but they all stick together – like a family is supposed to do. Everyone has their quirks, and it's so entertaining trying to find ways to surprise Ria with their kindness. They might be one of the most feared families in Greece, but Ria gets to see a different side of them, one that not many people know because the Lords don't allow many people to get close to them.

Book Sample
I sprint out the door and right into Doukas’s arms. The first thing I feel is his body’s warmth as he puts his arm around my waist to steady me. I look up at his mesmerizing eyes and then at his tantalizing lips. He’s even more dazzling up close, if that’s even possible. I wish I could ask him to hold me tighter. To kiss me.
Doukas reaches up, and his knuckles caress my cheek.
“Where are you racing off to?” he asks with a low, husky voice.
“You,” I admit and lean into his touch.
Doukas stares at me, bemused as if I hold the answers to all his questions.
The spell is broken the moment the door behind me opens and an elderly couple walks out. Reluctantly, I step out of Doukas’s muscular arms to thank them for coming.
What is the matter with me? Someone would think I haven’t seen a man in my life. In my defense, I haven’t met a man like Doukas before. It’s not just his magnetizing good looks, there’s an indescribable pull—almost a need—to get to know him better. To feel his scorching touch electrify my whole body. Perhaps I should be afraid. He’s a stranger, and in all my twenty-four years, I’ve met all kinds of people, from perfect gentlemen to petty criminals. But I’m not afraid of Doukas. My instincts have never steered me wrong.
Looking down at my hands, I remember what brought me out here in the first place.
“Mm… we found this on your table. Is…is this yours?” Even I don’t recognize my trembling voice.
Doukas looks down at my hand, no doubt recognizing the EarPods. With a slight nod, he pockets the gadget, and very slowly, he brings my hand to his mouth, placing a kiss on my open palm. His soft lips make me shiver, and as an unfamiliar warmth spreads across my body, I wish I could feel them on me again.
“Perfect in every way,” he murmurs.
“What do you mean?” I ask tentatively, hoping I haven’t heard wrong.
“I tried to imagine how you really are, but nothing comes as close as this.”
“That doesn’t answer my question,” I challenge him. I was going for demanding, but it came out breathless.
“I beg to differ.”

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The Scare by Robert Shaw

The Scare by Robert Shaw

Is a zombie bully committing murder in Emerald Bay? Are his victims coming back to life to do more killing? Ethan, Shay and their friends must solve the mystery to stay alive.

Haunted by the murder of his little brother, sixteen-year-old Ethan Harris finds a kindred spirit when Shay Cassidy moves to Emerald Bay. Like Ethan, Shay is the product of a guilt-ridden, broken past, and Ethan is drawn to her.

But town bully, Viktor Sols, harbors his own dark desire for Shay, and will stop at nothing to get her. When Sols is killed during his latest rampage, a series of grisly murders begins, and Ethan is convinced that Sols is coming after Shay from beyond the grave. His friends agree to help investigate, but mystery and death follow their every step.

After Shay vanishes, Ethan refuses to accept that she’s dead, believing instead that Sols has taken her. He and his friends must launch an attack on the dreaded Sols House to try and rescue Shay.

Can they save her before it’s too late, or will the horrifying secret of the Sols family kill them all?

Set in the stormy coastal town of Emerald Bay, The Scare is a contemporary Gothic horror story in which love and friendship triumph over bitter jealousy and brutal lust. It is not for the squeamish: there are nasty bits and mean bits; love, laughter and tears; good friends and deadly enemies. There is blood and there are screams… and a fight to the death

If you like Stranger Things and IT, you’ll love The Scare.

Targeted Age Group:: Not for children
Heat/Violence Level: Heat Level 3 – PG-13

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
The Scare was my first novel, adapted from my screenplay of the same name. When said screenplay was optioned in the late 90s by executive producer, Tom Fries (of Fries Entertainment), and had Australian director, Jamie Blanks (Urban Legend), interested, I began toying with the idea of doing a novelization. Tragically, Tom Fries passed away of cardiopulmonary illness in September 2001; and director Jamie Blanks made Valentine as his next movie, then returned to Australia. The motion picture rights for The Scare reverted back to me, and I decided to adapt my screenplay into a novel anyway. This book was the result.

How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
My six main characters – my heroes of the piece – are friends that I would have loved to have had when I was a teenager; and, of course, Shay, is the girlfriend I would have loved to meet when I was a teen. I feel so close to these characters that they really could almost be my friends, even though they're fictional, and I love to revisit them occasionally by flipping through the book. The main villain is a sort of dark-mirror opposite of my main hero, Ethan, and his motivations are typically driven by the time-worn emotions of jealousy and unfulfilled desire. He's angry that the 'cool kids' always seem to have what he never can, and it makes him crazy. But is he evil, or just human?

Book Sample
Holly screamed, sending an icy burst through everyone’s veins. “He’s coming this way!”
They stared intently at the cliff base, and now they all saw the shape, vague against the blackness of the cliffs, a chunk of shadow that had broken away from the rock and was floating to them on the breeze.
But it definitely looked like a person.
Or the shadow of a person.
Coming right at them.
They tensed, clinging to each other, feeling so cold it was as if the fire behind them had suddenly frozen over. Even its glow seemed diminished.
“Maybe we should get out of here,” Chad suggested in a tiny voice.
And then suddenly the shadowy figure vanished.
They stared, eyes still registering the shape for a moment, brains still thinking they were seeing it.
“Where’d he go?” Gordo said.
Breathless, Quincy added, “He did just disappear… right?”
Shay held Ethan’s arm tightly. “That was soooo freaky,” she breathed.
Then everyone screamed.
Because the dark shape was suddenly there, blasting through the fire, flattening the flames with a sound like the flapping of giant wings. Sand kicked up, spraying them all, then the fire hissed and sputtered and finally danced back to normal.
And the dark shape was gone.
Not moving away along the beach.
Not running back to the cliff.
Just gone.
As if it had never been there.
The friends stared at each other for a long moment, girls clinging to guys as if they were life rafts in a sea of dark. The fire was no longer a comfort of any kind.
“Did that just happen?” Eejayce asked.
Ethan nodded. “Yeah, but don’t ask me what it was.”
“It definitely wasn’t Sols,” Quincy insisted.
Chad had only himself to cling to. “I want to go home,” he moaned.
No one protested.

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All information was provided by the author and not edited by us. This is so you get to know the author better.


Featured Book: Sip Lake by Joe Basara

About Featured Book: Sip Lake by Joe Basara

(Sip Lake is a free download on 9/4/21 and 9/5/21.)

Owen Cloud wonders who might fall for a young man with kinky red hair and a pug nose, namely him? He finds out in this coming-of-age story during the summer of 1977. Embarrassing memories and experiences constantly remind him of his foolishness but also push him toward maturity in this tale filled with all things Florida.

This Fiction book is available in these Formats: eBook, Print

Buy Book Here.


Featured Book: My Ex-Boyfriend’s Dad by K.C. Crowne

About Featured Book: My Ex-Boyfriend’s Dad by K.C. Crowne

My son and I fell for the same girl.
And now her life is in my hands.

I always knew Vivian was special.
The strength of a lioness.
Witty banter that matches mine.
And a magnetic sensual beauty.

But she’s in deep with the cartel.

I won’t rest until I eliminate every last threat.
But one problem still remains…

How am I supposed to guard her life if all I can think about is devouring every inch of her for myself?

This Erotica book is available in these Formats: eBook

Buy Book Here.



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