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Published: Thu, 08/05/21

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Falling into Magic : Destiny Falls Mystery & Magic Series Book 1 by Elizabeth Pantley

Falling into Magic : Destiny Falls Mystery & Magic Series Book 1 by Elizabeth Pantley

An accidental journey through a magic mirror to an enchanted land. A mysterious newfound family. Destiny Falls is a wonder, but the magic is tainted by danger. Can Hayden and her clever, sassy sidekick remove the threat, so that she can begin her magical new life here? ~ “Absolutely brilliant, delightful, magical story. This is one book that you cannot stop reading.”

Targeted Age Group:: All audiences
Heat/Violence Level: Heat Level 1 – G Rated Clean Read

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
While vacationing in the San Juan Islands of the Pacific Northwest I imagined a magical version of the enchanting place. What if it were hidden from the rest of the world? What if the ferry was enchanted? Ahh, but what if there was a mirror-image island that was sinister and dangerous, yet promised miraculous rewards?

How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
My characters are modeled after the most interesting, quirky, mysterious people I have met over my lifetime. Once a character is created though, they seem to take on a life of their own and become an exaggerated version of the real person.

Book Sample
EXCERPT from Falling in Magic, Destiny Falls Mystery & Magic, 1

At just over three hours in, we rounded a bend in the trail, and I stopped dead in my tracks. There it was. Twin Falls Lake, and oh, was it magnificent! The vegetation opened up like a theater curtain and presented us with likely the most beautiful view I’d ever seen.

“This might be what heaven looks like,” I whispered. Olivia nodded, and we stood quietly as we drank in the exquisiteness of this divine space.

The waterfall spilled from between enormous granite boulders, trees, and vegetation high up above us. The water was so crystal clear it flowed down in a bright, white cascade splashing into a lake covered with ripples of movement.

There was a double rainbow – a genuine double rainbow – at the base of the splashing water. Below the surface of the water I could see multi-colored fish swimming, their kaleidoscope of colors blending artistically with the foliage surrounding the lake. Wildflowers provided accents of color everywhere I looked.

The soothing white noise of the waterfall was accompanied by an orchestra of birdsong. The sky was brilliant blue with tufts of white clouds moving slowly across, as if blown by a gentle breeze.

I took a deep breath and felt all my earthly worries melting away, a serene calm and lifted spirits taking their place.

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