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Published: Sun, 08/01/21

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Conflict: Earth! by William D. Nash

Conflict: Earth! by William D. Nash

OVER 1 BILLION PEOPLE DIED FROM AN ALIEN SNEAK ATTACK! Ufologist Jack Slater needs to convince world leaders that they must forget historical differences and unite to withstand a looming alien threat. Jack races through space and time in search of advanced technologies that will help save the planet. If he doesn’t find what he’s looking for, Earth has no hope of defeating not one, but three hostile alien races.

Along the way, Jack discovers answers to age-old mysteries, makes new friends, and evades capture by the masters of illusions, the Greys.

Earth is running out of time. Will Governments unite to face their common foe? Can Jack come up with the answer to hold off the alien horde? The alternative is unthinkable in CONFLICT: EARTH!

Targeted Age Group:: All Audiences
Heat/Violence Level: Heat Level 2 – PG

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
This is the second book in The Jupiter Factor Series. I originally wrote my stories back in high school. I had a strong urge to write it back then. When I retired in 2013, I decided to update the stories, and the science, to get my story out.

How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
I took the characters from people I had known. Also, other scifi books inspired the characteristics of several of them.

Book Sample
The air around the asteroid fragment burned above 3,000 degrees. Its red-white tail stretched out behind it for miles, swirling and dancing like a long fiery tentacle reaching for space. Small pieces of it broke off and burned up.

A massive chunk remained.

It struck the Earth just outside of the field with the force of a ten-megaton bomb, creating a 6,000-foot crater. The heat generated turned a nearby lake into steam, draining it completely. The force field absorbed a significant portion of the energy and the heat blast before it shot another 126 miles outward, where it consumed the rest of the blast’s power before jumping again.

The force of the impact shook the Earth. Tectonic plates weakened by fracking decades ago shifted, creating an earth-shattering quake throughout North Texas.

Buildings and homes began to shake.

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Featured Book: The Treasure of Peril Island by C.W. James

About Featured Book: The Treasure of Peril Island by C.W. James

Young, penniless Jack Drayton lives on a barge, anchored in the Thames River in 1903 London.One night, Jack comes to the assistance of an old man, who claims to be the infamous pirate Black Juan Gaskara, on the run from several men who want him dead. Jack finds that hard to believe, since the real Gaskara would have to be over 100 years old, but he can’t help but be curious. Black Juan tells Jack that he has millions in treasure hidden on the secret Peril Island. The problem is that know one knows how to locate Peril Island except Black Juan himself. Before Juan is murdered by his old enemies, he gives Jack a cryptogram that reveals the treasure’s location.

With his best friend Hector, Jack sets out to claim the treasure before Gaskara’s enemies do – if he can stay alive long enough.

This YA book is available in these Formats: eBook, Print

Buy Book Here.



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