Readers' Hideaway Daily News

Published: Thu, 07/01/21

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White Hat Black Heart by D. B. Goodin

White Hat Black Heart by D. B. Goodin

Playing a virtual game is fun…unless the game wants you dead.

Nigel Watson is a clever teenage hacker who uses his skills to make extra spending money. But, after someone plunders his mother’s bank account and drains the funds,Nigel realizes his hacking could save the family.

Soon, Nigel’s online expertise is noticed by the billionaire founder of the Colossal Machine, a virtual game played by millions of people around the planet. When Nigel is given a chance to show his prowess, his skills outshine the work of the current developers. He even discovers new ways to cheat the game that no one else knows. But, Nigel doesn’t realize that his sudden success has made enemies who want him dead.

Nigel is thrust into the shadows of the Dark Web – a hidden part of the Internet where evil can find its way to your door. Little does he know, but the object of the game has become Nigel’s life.

In this cyber thriller, you never know who to trust when the virtual world makes it impossible to decrypt friend from foe.

Targeted Age Group:: YA 16+
Heat/Violence Level: Heat Level 3 – PG-13

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
I got the idea for this book back in 2011, when I noticed an upward trend in data breaches. I had only been in the security space a few years and was just starting a Master's program in Digital Forensics. One goal for this book is to teach young people basic Cybersecurity concepts in a fun and engaging fashion. There is a shortage of qualified Cybersecurity professionals, and if this book piques the interest of young people, then the book has met its goal.

How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
When I wrote the first chapter Ellen, Nigel's mother, was the first character I had written. She was getting hacked in real-time and couldn't call tech support because Nigel was dialed in. Later, I got rid of the scene because it was no longer relevant. I wanted a teenage main character that stumbles onto hacking to support his gaming addiction. Later I added updated concepts that Nigel was obsessed with, like Machine Learning.

Book Sample
Nigel’s heart pounded so hard at the mere thought of facing Jake again that his chest began to ache. A jumbled, unfiltered stream of data entered his mind: punches from Jake, Jet, his mother, the game—that cursed game! Nigel could barely swallow, and his thoughts were confused. Am I having a panic attack? After several deep breaths, Nigel’s head cleared, and he focused on finding solutions to unlocking both his and Jake’s accounts. The Dark Web came to mind, but he had no idea how to gain access to the place where the shadows lurked. He couldn't think of any real solutions, so he did what anyone in trouble might do: call for help. Jet was sitting at her computer (as usual), jacked into a remote section of The Colossal Machine, a premium section of the verse that hadn't been released yet. She was helping the game developers test for bugs and other problems in their new expansion. Pretzelverse had sent her a large box full of goodies which contained a pair of bulky but functional virtual reality (VR) lenses. While the headset actually needed to be connected to her computer via wires, the immersive experience more than made up for it. Through the eyes of the VR lenses, Jet noticed that she was on the top level of a tall silver tower. Her avatar had a long staff with a blue crystal at the end, and she could see it waving before her as if it were truly in her own hand. She activated her cloaking armor as she entered the metallic-lined corridor. To her immediate left, an oozing black sludge leaked out of several holes. She knew from experience that touching the sludge was an instant permanent death. She had many hours invested in her avatar and didn't want to lose her place in the queue by starting over. If any of the testers died in the game, they were immediately resurrected in a starting area with no equipment, and since it had taken her approximately forty hours to get this far, Jet didn't want to risk anything. She had limited time to play during school nights; her mother enforced a strict curfew on gaming. She had to be off The Machine at 9:45, and lights out was at 10 p.m., but it was only 7:30. Plenty of time to clear this level, gather her loot, and stash it in her hidden hovel. She heard the chirping noise of her cell phone as she laid waste to dozens of minions the game was procedurally generating for her slaughtering pleasure. Since the game was online, she couldn't pause. She needed to reach the next checkpoint or a temporary safe camping area before she could even look at the text messages she was receiving. She couldn't think of anyone who might be contacting her at this hour. She didn't have many friends. She didn’t date, either. She knew other like-minded classmates that might be testing, but most of them rarely used the phone; communication was usually handled by the in-game chat system. Her friends’ accounts were “account-linked,” which meant they didn't need to be online playing the same game to communicate. Pretzelverse had established its own communications platform that was truly impressive. The company could have sold subscriptions to the communications system to non-gaming customers. Jet didn't know why Pretzelverse hadn't done this already; it seemed like a good idea to her. She snatched a small peek at her phone as she entered into cloaking mode on her avatar’s armor. She picked up her phone. The message that caught her eye was from Nigel. It read, “Jet hlp 4 I T…STAT.” Jet's heart skipped a beat when she read the next line: “I O U 4evr TIA.” If a non-technical person received this text message, confusion might have ensued; however, Jet knew its meaning, a call for help. The first line translated to: “Jet HELP for I'm in trouble.” The second line gave her hope, and the meaning was what motivated her to act: “I owe you forever and thanks in advance.” Although this sounded innocent enough, when a fellow gamer sent the letters “I O U” together, it was a sacred message to the recipient. It meant that at any time the IOU could be called in for a favor of the person's choosing. Jet's palms started to sweat at the thought of Nigel owing her. She had sat next to him in class for a long time, and she was very fond of him. Jet quickly checked her inventory and found her recall scroll, which allowed her to instantly teleport to a previous location where she had been in the game. She cast the spell, then logged off in a safe place. Jet replied, “Where do u want to meet?” “Public Library at 8 p.m.?” She lived about ten minutes from the library by bike and figured she better get going if she wanted to get there by eight. She replied,“Sure, 8 by the front.” “10-4. Bring your laptop.” The library was practically deserted. No one could be seen as she put her bicycle in the rack near the entrance. Nigel appeared from the shadows. He was wearing a black hoodie and blue jeans, and she could see his laptop in his hands. “Hey,” said Nigel. “Hey, yourself.” Jet didn't realize it, but she had a grin on her face. Nigel smiled briefly but regained his composure. “Should we get started?” he asked.

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Featured Book: Pandora’s Gardener by David C Mason

About Featured Book: Pandora’s Gardener by David C Mason

What do a gardener, missing accountants, and a Detective Inspector on the verge of retirement have to do with a grand plan by an evil mastermind for world domination?

Who are the mysterious Society?

All is revealed in an adventure spanning from London to the seaside as the disparate threads are drawn together for a grand finale.

“..a fun and fast paced thriller that tows the line between the serious espionage of James Bond and the absurd escapades of Austin Powers.” Silver Award

This Thriller book is available in these Formats: eBook

Buy Book Here.


Frayed Ends by Sally J. Ling

Frayed Ends by Sally J. Ling

Leaving her hectic job as a news producer in Washington, D.C., was never part of Randi Brooks’ plan, but when she learns of her parents’ tragic deaths, she has no choice but to rush home to Boca Raton, Florida. When she finds out their deaths weren’t accidental, things take a turn toward the dangerous. Toss in a fire and theft at the family-owned fabric store and upholstery shop and an unscrupulous real estate developer willing to do whatever it takes to get her property, and things become deadly.

To complicate matters more, a mysterious but handsome man living in the guest house and an attractive detective harboring a high school crush are both vying for Randi’s affection.

While Randi struggles to make some difficult decisions regarding her parents’ business, her job in D.C., and her conflicting feelings toward both men, the three of them must find out who murdered Randi’s parents before the killer strikes again.

Targeted Age Group:: All audiences
Heat/Violence Level: Heat Level 3 – PG-13

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
I love mysteries and Florida and wanted to include local venues and history to add intrigue.

How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
A female protagonist was primary supported by an interesting and diverse group of characters. Some are a composite of people I've known and some are purely imaginary.

Book Sample
In the morning, I opened the front door only to find my car hemmed in by an assortment of garden equipment–several ladders in front, a wheelbarrow, and two garbage cans behind. Connor stood by the driver's door, hands on his hips, blocking any hope of my getting into the car. Dark circles under his eyes indicated a severe lack of sleep.
"I need to get to the store," I said, stepping off the stoop. "Please remove that stuff from the driveway." I flicked one hand toward the ladders while reaching into my purse with the other for my phone.
"Not until I get an explanation," Connor countered. "Why did you leave last night so brusquely? And why didn't you answer my calls or texts? Friends don't treat each other that way."
I stopped abruptly; his words stung. "Look, Connor, there's no reason to play dumb with me. I saw the invoice for the repairs on your truck."
"So now you're going through my personal belongings? Landlords may have some privileges, but that's not one of them." His eyes flashed with anger.
"Seth said a red pickup pushed my parents' car into the canal. Your truck is red and repaired the day after the incident. I have proof." I held up my phone. "If you don't get those things out of my way, I'll call the police."
"So, you believe some hotshot detective who thinks I may be the one who pushed your parents into the canal? Unbelievable!" Connor lowered his head, shaking it.
"What am I supposed to think?"
"Did you bother to notice the location of the repair shop? Obviously not, Miss Detective, because if you had, you'd have seen the repairs were made in Maine. Maine! That's a long way from Florida, sweetie. That's where I went climbing with one of the premier climbers in the US, Freddie Williamson. You can call him if you like. Here, let me text you his phone number." Connor yanked out his phone and tapped several buttons. "Someone backed into me in a parking lot up there, damaging the grille and smashing the truck's headlights. I couldn't drive back to Florida at night without lights, could I? Besides, the truck that rammed your parents' car wasn't red. It was grey. Don't believe me? Check the report."
I stood there, dumbfounded.
Grey? Why had Seth told me it was red?
"Look here, I'm going to follow through on my commitment to bring in the forensic accountant, and I'm going to help you find your parents' killer. It won't be because of you, though. It'll be because of your father and how kind he was to me. I owe it to him. After that, I'm out of here." Connor moved the ladders from in front of the car and stomped toward the backyard, pushing the wheelbarrow.
"Lover's spat?"
I turned to find Leslie staring at me. Bigfoot sat next to her, swishing his tail and looking as perplexed as I felt.
"How long have you been there?"
"Long enough to get the gist of that conversation," she said, walking toward me.
"I think I made a terrible mistake." A ribbon of heat crept up the back of my neck.
"Isn't your first. Won't be your last. Come on, Tootsie, let's go inside. I think you need time to calm down before you go to the store."

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We Don’t Die by Cedrick Wilson

We Don’t Die by Cedrick Wilson

A cocky police detective, Dallas Scott and his best friend and partner, Ray Davis chase after a notorious hit-man, McNeil, and a bad decision by Scott lead to Davis’ death.Scott is haunted by his choice and it leads him to become a bad cop and a horrible husband.Now partnered with a new young detective, John Crawford, they finally get a lead on the killer only to come up short.Days later, they find McNeil dead on the street and this still leaves Scott unhappy because he didn’t kill the man responsible for his partner’s death himself. McNeil’s wife asks Scott for help but he refuses and this is a huge mistake which leads to her and her child’s death. This incident brings McNeil’s ghost to come back and haunt Scott and causes him to have a car accident.Now in the afterlife, the chase is on again with Scott having to go after McNeil for bringing chaos to the people who murdered him and his family.The Stakes are higher than ever in purgatory with Scott having to stop McNeil and having to prevent his soul from getting in the hands of the devil due to his own sins.

Targeted Age Group:: Adults
Heat/Violence Level: Heat Level 4 – R Rated

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
An album cover. The cover was awesome and depicted cops standing over the bad guys they killed but unknown to them the dead spirits had risen.

How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
The story made me come up with the characters I needed to write the book.

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Recycled Hope by Linda Drugan

Recycled Hope by Linda Drugan

Now a middle aged woman facing inevitable old age, Linda relishes reminiscing about her childhood and what people commonly refer to as the good old days. This is especially prevalent when she gets together with her siblings, and their now extended families. One particular Saturday afternoon’s visit to her mother’s townhouse, which is located on what was once the McDowell’s Farm, Linda is reminded of the events that transpired there when she was a young girl growing up in the sixties. Though at one time the farm was profitable and bustling with activity, by the time Linda’s family moved to the neighborhood, McDowell’s farm was overgrown and uncared for by a crotchety, old farmer and his kind hearted wife. This sets the backdrop for this whimsical and nostalgic tale which takes many unexpected twists and turns. Linda’s strained relationship with her older sister, Karen, does a complete 180 due to the fateful events that occur one fall afternoon in 1967, when they take a shortcut through McDowell’s farm on their way home from school. One wrong decision leads to a chain of events that one would never anticipate and takes the reader through a journey which is tragic and heartwarming.

Targeted Age Group:: 14+
Heat/Violence Level: Heat Level 2 – PG

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
I was reminded of a childhood event while walking my dog one beautiful autumn day. In the middle of the field was a tree standing by itself, and it brought me back to a time from my childhood and a tree house that was similarly situated at a farm we use to use as a short cut. My story took off from there.

How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
Some of the characters are based of my family and friends in the book. Others were inspired by names of places and things from my childhood.

Book Sample
The only thing more frightening than Farmer McDowell’s personality was his appearance. I believe he was born an old man and had just aged ungracefully throughout his lifetime. It was hard to determine his height, as he walked with the aid of a cane and had an obvious hunchback. I don’t know if the cane was used due to the hunchback or vice versa. Toothless and wrinkled, his face resembled that of a jack-o-lantern that had already lost its novelty by November first and was left rotting on someone’s stoop on Thanksgiving. His long, white beard and hair were obviously grown out of neglect and not as a fashion statement. I never saw him in anything other than a pair of faded and torn overalls. I often wondered if he wore the same pair every day or if he had many of the same pair exactly alike. By his odor, however, I believe it was the same pair.

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