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Published: Sat, 06/19/21

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Eleanor’s Travels by Aisha Urooj

A sweet contemporary romance novel about traveling the world and finding love

Targeted Age Group:: 13-65+

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
Dedicated to Life and grand adventures; For the people and places of this beautiful world; To finding love when you least expect it; For discovery, both outside yourself, and within.

Book Sample
Chapter One: Big Plans

Passport? Check.
Tickets? Check.
Suitcases, packed and ready? Check.
Extra long goodbye hug with Best friend? Check, Check, and Check.

“Ellie,” I say to myself, “You are ready to explore the seven continents. Ready or not world, here I come!”

I am Eleanor Grace. World explorer extraordinaire, and Oscar-winning actress.

Ok, ok, so I hadn’t won an Oscar yet… but I planned to, and you can do anything if you believed, right? As for world-explorer, I would be after this trip. This trip around the world was exactly the inspiration I needed as a rising superstar. Time to do some soul searching, greet new adventures, and even learn a few things.

This trip around the world was my parents’ gift to me, on my twenty-first birthday.

Seems a little extravagant for a twenty-one-year-old? Don’t blame them. I was the one who asked for it.

My parents were top-notch successful lawyers. In a lawyer’s world, time was money, and every minute was worth many $$$, so they had very little time to spare. They made up for their absences with lavish gifts, and unfortunately, lavish excuses. Luckily for me, the bigger their absence, the greater my price tag went up.

Unfair, you might say? Well, to be fair, I was their only daughter. I might add… I also inherited the gift of strong negotiation and intense bargaining from them.

How did I convince them for this trip? You should know almost everything in life is negotiable. The secret is how to ask for it. My strategy went by understanding what the other side wanted. Next, I figured out how to get what I wanted, and made it seem like the other side was winning. Lastly, I was ready to walk away, and at this vulnerable point, the other side would most likely strike a bargain. To be extra successful: Rinse and repeat until you win your battle.

I knew my parents didn’t mind, in fact, they encouraged my take charge attitude. It made them proud when I stood my ground, and it even brought a tear of joy to their eyes. Normally, they had unreadable expressions.

I would grow up to be like them, maybe even a magnified version of them, if it weren’t for Cassie.

Cassie was the one who humbled me, stopped me from being spoiled and entitled, and brought me back down to earth. She was my balance.
Cassandra Grace, or Cassie as I called her with love, was my best friend in the entire world. My opposite in every sense of the word, and I wouldn’t have changed her for anything, or anyone. It was especially hard saying goodbye to her, seeing I wouldn’t see her in person for about a year as I went on my big trip.

We were also roommates, and had been living in the same apartment ever since we dropped out of high school together.

Yes, you heard right. We both dropped out of high school. My negotiation skills came to a breaking point, but I convinced both our parents. Cassie and I were successful. Now, we take charge of our lives as independent adults…

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Author Bio:
Aisha Urooj lives in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. She is a multi-genre writer who writes captivating coming of age fiction, fantasy, and dark comedy books.

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Featured Book: Death Mask by Nora Delzelle

death mask book cover
About Featured Book: Death Mask by Nora Delzelle

Ghosts, gods, and cursed relics are at the heart of this thrilling debut novel by Nora Delzelle. Death Mask is a modern re-imagining of the battles between Horus and Set, ancient deities that represent order and chaos. Alex Kincaid is a young woman who gets caught in their deadly feud by placing a bid on an eBay auction for a golden mask. The relic confers protection and ageless power to the owner, but there is a price. If Alex survives, she is in danger of losing her soul.

This Science Fiction Fantasy book is available in these Formats: eBook, Print

Buy Book Here.


Featured Book: Stay With Me by Leslie Hachtel

stay with me book cover
About Featured Book: Stay With Me by Leslie Hachtel

Two women. Years apart. Linked by common experience and a cottage that has survived since the Civil War.
Evelyn Smith has changed her name and is running from an abusive husband. She buys a cottage in Florida that has its own history, only to experience an attraction to the previous owner.
Rebecca Faber has rescued a Yankee soldier and fallen in love, but circumstances have forced her to marry an evil man who killed her father.
When Rebecca reaches out from the past, Evelyn finds it life changing.
And in their own times, each must discover strength and fight to find and keep true love.

This Romance book is available in these Formats: eBook, Print

Buy Book Here.


Short Introduction to MS Office Excel by Hicham and Mohamed Ibnalkadi

Short Introduction to MS Office Excel by Hicham and Mohamed Ibnalkadi

This book is part of a series that include MBA Core & Elective coursework taught at prestigious universities like Harvard and Wharton. The series consist of Core & Elective courses that stemmed from more than ten years of professional experience in Wall Street and Startups. The elective courses introduce Machine Learning, Python, Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies, Communications skills, R language, Excel advanced features, PowerPoint advanced features, interview questions, and more.

Targeted Age Group:: all audiences
Heat/Violence Level: Heat Level 1 – G Rated Clean Read

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
Excel is a world wide used tool. This book provide 30 tips that help professionals and students in their day to day work.

Links to Purchase eBook version – Click links for book samples, reviews and to purchase
Buy this eBook On Amazon

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All information was provided by the author and not edited by us. This is so you get to know the author better.


Demystifying Enlightenment: Messages, Signs, and Predictions From The Spiritual World by Dennis Macy

Demystifying Enlightenment: Messages, Signs, and Predictions From The Spiritual World by Dennis Macy

If you are seeking straight answers to confusing questions, guidance from beyond and comforting advice then you will adore this illuminating book. Learn to connect with your dearly departed loved ones. Discover the healing power of spirituality and faith. “It is an easy read, beautifully written and informative book. This book provides lots of hope for those who are grieving. I highly recommend it.” ~Jennifer S.

Targeted Age Group:: Ages 17 to 80
Heat/Violence Level: Heat Level 1 – G Rated Clean Read

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
After writing and publishing, "The Angelic Realm" a number of individuals from the reading community were seeking additional information on how our dearly departed loved ones try to communicate with us. I thought it would be very comforting to provide additional information and answers to those seeking enlightenment from the realm by publishing my latest book, "Demystifying Enlightenment." Readers will find themselves referring to this book time and time again!

Book Sample
Was the coronavirus a sign from God?

My spiritual guide Sarah has told me that the coronavirus is not a sign from God, instead it is a problem that was created by us. God hears us, and he wants us to feed our faith and not our fears. During times like this, God will use this type of crisis to have us reflect on the important aspects of our own lives and the relationships we have with others.
God has provided us with the knowledge, wisdom, and technology, along with guiding the hands and minds of physicians and researchers, to develop drugs, therapies, and vaccines to overcome these illnesses. He is working with us, not against us.

Links to Purchase Print Book version – Click links for book samples, reviews and to purchase
Buy Demystifying Enlightenment: Messages, Signs, and Predictions From The Spiritual World Print Edition at Amazon

Links to Purchase eBook version – Click links for book samples, reviews and to purchase
Buy this eBook On Amazon

About the Author
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All information was provided by the author and not edited by us. This is so you get to know the author better.



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Deborah Carney
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