Readers' Hideaway Daily News

Published: Tue, 06/08/21

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Featured Book: Understanding Childhood Trauma & How To Let Go; 11 Effective Tools You Need To Heal (From a Fellow Survivor) by Julian Demarco

About Featured Book: Understanding Childhood Trauma & How To Let Go; 11 Effective Tools You Need To Heal (From a Fellow Survivor) by Julian Demarco

Are you or someone you know plagued with symptoms of anxiety, depression, or phobias from a painful past? What would life look or feel like if you found a way to not only ease them but potentially remove the emotional aspects? Are you ready to take the necessary steps towards your healing and freedom?

The author is a survivor of child sexual abuse and adult domestic violence that caused complex PTSD, depression, and anxiety symptoms. The outlook on life was that this was how life was going to be after failed therapies. After discovering techniques from NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), freedom from the past was attained as the symptoms faded. This was life-changing! Having a deep desire to assist others in breaking free from their pain led to the pursuit of training and became board certified in NLP.

Understanding what you’ve gone through from abuse and traumatic events, Julian conveys with respect, compassion, empathy, and sympathy for your situation. Included are 11 NLP techniques written in detail that, based on Julian’s studies, were found to be most successful while keeping in forethought that not everyone will respond to the same techniques. This book is written in an easy-to-understand language, and mindful not to give specific details to trigger the reader. This is the must-have book to ease you through your painful past and to assist you in becoming truly free. You deserve to be happy and have the freedom from your hurtful past and take back control of your life.

This Non-Fiction book is available in these Formats: eBook, Print

Buy Book Here.



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Deborah Carney
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