Readers' Hideaway Daily News

Published: Sun, 06/06/21

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Featured Book: Understanding Childhood Trauma & How To Let Go; 11 Effective Tools You Need To Heal (From a Fellow Survivor) by Julian Demarco

About Featured Book: Understanding Childhood Trauma & How To Let Go; 11 Effective Tools You Need To Heal (From a Fellow Survivor) by Julian Demarco

Are you or someone you know plagued with symptoms of anxiety, depression, or phobias from a painful past? What would life look or feel like if you found a way to not only ease them but potentially remove the emotional aspects? Are you ready to take the necessary steps towards your healing and freedom?
The author is a survivor of child sexual abuse and adult domestic violence that caused complex PTSD, depression, and anxiety symptoms. The outlook on life was that this was how life was going to be after failed therapies. After discovering techniques from NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), freedom from the past was attained as the symptoms faded. This was life-changing! Having a deep desire to assist others in breaking free from their pain led to the pursuit of training and became certified in NLP.
Understanding what you’ve gone through from abuse and traumatic events, Julian conveys with respect, compassion, empathy, and sympathy for your situation. Included are 11 NLP techniques written in detail that, based on Julian’s studies, were found to be most successful while keeping in forethought that not everyone will respond to the same techniques. This book is written in an easy-to-understand language, and mindful not to give specific details to trigger the reader. This is the must-have book to ease you through your painful past and to assist you in becoming truly free. You deserve to be happy and have the freedom from your hurtful past and take back control of your life.

This Non-Fiction book is available in these Formats: eBook, Print

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Spirit Ridge by L. A. Kelley

Spirit Ridge by L. A. Kelley

A dark shadow rises.

San Francisco in 1885 was a dangerous place for those who crossed Colin Doyle. To Nob Hill elite he was a successful businessman. To the underbelly of San Francisco he was The Mick, a criminal mastermind ruling from the shadows. If a buyer’s tastes ran to opium, a whore, or a politician, The Mick could name a price. No one who betrayed him ever escaped the city alive.

Until now.

Nell Bishop is a fearless investigative reporter for the San Francisco Dispatch. She’s on the run to the Arizona Territory with the one witness who can expose Doyle’s corrupt empire and stop the plan to extend his evil dominion to the West.

Marshal Sam Tanner of Spirit Ridge in the Arizona Territory fought the visions sent by his Apache blood. They always foretold a death he couldn’t prevent. Then Sam dreamed of the coyote with golden brown eyes who warned of a black shadow spreading evil across the land. Did the message call him to help the beautiful woman who stepped off the stagecoach? Can Sam and Nell elude the mysterious dark riders who dog their trail or will the next vision mean death for both of them?

Targeted Age Group:: teen through adult
Heat/Violence Level: Heat Level 3 – PG-13

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
The story of Nellie Bly, a nineteenth century investigative reporter, fascinated me and I decided to use her as as inspiration for Nell Bishop. I wanted to add a Native American character and created a half-Apache marshal with spirit visions. Apache tales encompass animal spirits, and I decided to play around with them and add my person embellishments.

How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
My inspiration was a real woman named Nellie Bly who fearlessly broke the mold. She was an investigative reporter who began her career writing for The Pittsburg Dispatch. (My Nell writes for The San Francisco Dispatch). She was a foreign correspondent, charity worker, and pioneered the field of investigative journalism by going undercover as a patient in an insane asylum and then writing a series of exposés on the horrific conditions. She even turned fiction into fact. In response to Jules Verne’s book Around the World in Eighty Days, Nell set out on an around-the-world journey and completed the trip in 72 days. Take that, Phineas Fogg.

Book Sample
Surprise shot through Bart’s expression. “Never reckoned you smart enough to figure the truth. The Mick’s reward ain’t for fetching you alive.” His tongue flicked in and out again. “Please me, and I’ll make it quick.”
Tears sprung to Daisy’s eyes. “Sweet Jesus, help me.”
Bart’s heartless chuckle encased Nell’s heart in ice. “Ain’t no God nor man gonna help a whore.”
“Get away from her this instant!” Nell stepped into the alley, right hand hidden in the tunic, finger on the trigger.
Bart raised the gun to meet the new arrival. “Where’d you come from? Best be on your way. This ain’t no concern of yours.”
Nell strode toward them through the fog. The gaslight shone on her white wimple and the scapular under the veil.
Daisy gasped. “She’s a nun, Bart. You can’t shoot a nun.”
“Shut up,” he barked, backhanding her across the mouth. “For five thousand, I’ll shoot anyone.”
“Get out of here, Sister,” Daisy moaned. “Please, don’t get hurt on my account. I ain’t worth it.”
“Release her.” Nell’s tone betrayed not a single tremor. “If you beg trouble, sir, let fly. I guarantee you won’t live long enough for regrets.”
Bart’s thumb pulled back to cock the trigger. “Your words don’t cut nothing. The devil claimed me as his own long ago.”
“Then perhaps,” she responded coolly, “the time has come to meet your maker and beg forgiveness in person.”
A shot rang out. Daisy shut her eyes and screamed.

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All information was provided by the author and not edited by us. This is so you get to know the author better.


Blockchain and Cryptocurrency by Hicham and Mohamed Ibnalkadi

Blockchain and Cryptocurrency by Hicham and Mohamed Ibnalkadi

If you are a student of management or business management, you must have come across the term ‘blockchain’ and ‘cryptography’. Have you ever thought about why businesses all over the world are going crazy about this technology?
No one wants to miss the bus, and every business is looking forward to gaining a lot from this. Why is it becoming so important for everyone all of a sudden? How it is going to affect our daily lives or the lives of business professionals in different sectors like banking? How does it bring immense opportunities for future business leaders and aspiring students?
All these questions are countered effectively in this book.

Targeted Age Group:: all audiences
Heat/Violence Level: Heat Level 1 – G Rated Clean Read

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
There is a need of a good understanding of Cryptocurrency and BLockChain. This book close that gap.

Links to Purchase Print Book version – Click links for book samples, reviews and to purchase
Buy Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Print Edition at Amazon

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All information was provided by the author and not edited by us. This is so you get to know the author better.


Truffle Me Not by MK Scott

Truffle Me Not by MK Scott

The future of Cupid’s Catering Company hangs in the balance. With a rival bakery, owned by the queen of all mean, rich girls, Della is at a distinct disadvantage.

Della hinges her financial future on winning the local truffle contest. As if there wasn’t enough on her mind, additional problems arise, including missing cats, jewel thieves, and her desperate attempt to find the incredibly kind man who’d lent her hand when she had tire trouble.

Can she solve all these problems and find time to whip up a cookbook at the same time?

Targeted Age Group:: 13-100
Heat/Violence Level: Heat Level 1 – G Rated Clean Read

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
Baking and cooking is part of my family's history and I wanted to include it in a cozy mystery.

How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
Mabel, the mother, is based on my grandmother. Della is a combination of friends I've known plus some fictional aspects.

Book Sample
Truffle Me Not Ex 1

Donning rubber gloves, Della tackled the dirty dishes, indulging in an impromptu trip down memory lane. Even though it was more than a decade ago, every now and then, the memories of not quite fitting in no matter what she did came back. Her school broke down into cliques with the predominant ones being jocks, popular kids, and the hipsters, plus everyone else that didn’t merit a label. As for the jocks, their name said it all while the popular kids were a little harder to define. Sure, it was easy to know who they were, but what made them popular was difficult to pinpoint. Most came from powerful, affluent families that usually had a member on the school board. This often translated into starring roles in the school play or being on the first string in athletics.

Thanks to a cyber security assembly in middle school at which her father presented, the other students knew her father as that cop. It resulted in Della getting the side-eye now and then, especially if other students happened to be talking about underage parties. Every party that was busted somehow got laid on Della’s doorstep. Never mind the fact her detective father didn’t take noise complaints associated with teen parties. They assumed she told. Not sure how they came to that conclusion, when she’d never been invited. Not once did the partiers ever consider that deafening music, the abundance of cars, and raucous behavior might have resulted in irate neighbors calling the police.

Some kids might have let it go, but not Lacey. Just her name had Della gritting her teeth. Small town life had its share of mean girls who aged into entitled, mean women. Lacey had to be the queen of them all. For most, being beautiful, wealthy, and the topic of most conversations would be enough. Even with everyone treating the woman like royalty, Della could tolerate it if her royal meanness stayed far, far away.

That was why a woman’s condescending tone reaching into the kitchen and might as well pinched Della. “Oh, how quaint!”

Her head jerked up, and the pan slipped from her fingers. A shiver raced up her spine. No, it couldn’t be. Better check it to be sure. There had to more than one snotty female in town. Her athletic shoes allowed her to creep across the kitchen floor without making a sound. Whoever was out there would say something else, dispelling the possibility it was Lacey. Why would Lacey even visit her modest bakery?

Links to Purchase Print Book version – Click links for book samples, reviews and to purchase
Buy Truffle Me Not Print Edition at Amazon

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Deborah Carney
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