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Published: Sat, 04/24/21

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Desire of My Heart by Heidi Gray McGill

All Rachel has ever wanted is a family. How could God grant her the desire of her heart, then do nothing to prevent it from being taken away? Can she wait for God’s perfect timing, or will she take matters into her own hands…again?

About to age out of a Missouri orphanage in 1858, shy Rachel listens with terror as the orphanage matron tells her she’s practically auctioning her off to the highest bidder for her hand in marriage. Rachel prays, asking God to help her and her younger brother Charlie escape, but how? When God provides what Rachel believes to be her liberator, the seed of an idea sets in motion an adventure that will bring happiness and heartbreak and nearly cost Rachel her health.

When trouble comes, it comes in a big way and those who care for Rachel wonder if she will ever recover. Rachel and Charlie face danger and sorrow, see new territory, and grow in their faith. They just might even find the desire of their hearts and realize God had bigger plans than they ever imagined.

Targeted Age Group:: 13 to 103

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
I'm an avid reader, and for years, I happily served as a Beta reader. I realized I enjoyed the process of thinking through the details of whatever book I was engrossed in. I'd read to see if characters were compelling, sympathetic, or someone for whom I found myself rooting. I envisioned the characters to see if they felt real and were three-dimensional, with distinct voices, flaws, and virtues.

I wondered–Can I do this? Can I write the way I like to read?

There was no "story" in my mind when I started. I chose to create a character I could relate to, someone plain and straightforward. Without intention, I wrote my own story through the main character of Rachel. I worked through my own deep heartache of vision loss. Like Rachel, I believe I have come out on the other side gloriously renewed in spirit. This book was healing for my soul, and I pray it helps others as well.

How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
Where do I get my inspiration for my characters? The inspiration for Thomas and his complete cuteness came from my grandson, Avery. In "Desire of My Heart," Thomas is Melvin's five-year-old son. He is wise beyond his years, tender-hearted, obedient, well-mannered, works without complaining, and cares about spiritual things. Okay, maybe it's the vision of what I PRAY Avery will be.

Perhaps the most mentioned character (in reviews) is "Grammie." Serafina Brooks is a godly prayer warrior. She is widowed and lives in Shumard Oak Bend. Her fun, youthful heart will cause you to laugh, while her deep love for Christ will have you aching to seek God.

Grammie is the name my grandson calls me, but I am not this character. She is based more on my mother. My mother poured over scripture, prayed fervently for every child, grandchild, and great-grandchild. I always considered my mom "a woman after God's own heart." She had a genuine relationship with her Savior that was nearly tangible.

Book Sample
"Desire of My Heart"
Book 1 in Heidi's "Discerning God's Heart" series
A Shumard Oak Bend Novel

Chapter 1

April 1858
Creeks Corner, Missouri

“Don’t look up. Just keep walking,” Rachel murmured to herself as she slipped from the orphanage steps and down the street. She deftly avoided the horse dung and other excrements from the vile men who came to town for supplies, drink, and women. Not always in that order.
Rachel had spent 13 of her 17 1/2 years perfecting the art of blending in: blending in at the orphanage so she wasn’t on the receiving end of Mrs. Cuthburt’s wrath; becoming one with the pew at the required church services so the pastor didn’t bore a hole into her soul; wearing her cloak of invisibility amongst the throngs on the streets so she didn’t attract the cruel remarks of the women or the crude remarks of the men. Yes, becoming a part of my surroundings is something I have perfected, she thought.
At the mercantile, Rachel slipped the stodgy Mr. Dodd the daily supply list Cook requested for the following day at the orphanage. As usual, with an upturned nose, he took it without touching her hand or glancing her way. With a clenched jaw, he yelled his expected, “Margaret!” towards the back room making her name sound as if he were calling a sow. His plump, red-faced wife’s footsteps could be heard scurrying across the wood plank floor. She parted the curtain and peered through with a breathless, “Yes, dear?”
Mr. Dodd did not acknowledge his wife’s question as he handed her the note. “I can’t read that woman’s handwriting. See that this is ready in an hour,” he barked without looking at either woman.
Mrs. Dodd ducked her head, gave a muted, “Yes, dear,” and glanced Rachel’s way. She lowered her head before eye contact could be made. Rachel wondered how it would feel to be treated so poorly and vowed never to marry a man with such an unpleasant temperament. She felt a twinge in her spirit and lowered her head in embarrassment that she had contributed to the woman’s discomfiture. Mrs. Dodd had the same reaction each time, yet Rachel had never given her a hint of support. It was the same every day. Nothing ever changed. That wasn’t quite true, something was about to change, she mused. In a few short months her life would change forever.
Rachel crept to the back of the store near the table laden with both dull, sensible, and bright whimsical fabrics, neatly displayed notions, and readymade stockings for those who could afford the luxury. Trying her best to blend into these surroundings, she stood as still as a mannequin, motionless like the simple day dress on display, taking in the sights, smells, and sounds as she waited. Out of the corner of her eye she could see the leather boots, belts, and tack to the right. She could smell the pickled eggs and pigs’ feet in jars on the counter up front and the barrel of dill pickles to her left. Her mouth watered at the scent. The clipped heels of a woman approaching caused Rachel to stiffen. The woman raised her dainty hankie to her nose as she passed without looking in the girl’s direction and Rachel wondered at her own scent. Baths were only allowed on Saturday night at the orphanage.
She heard the familiar sound of Mr. Dodd emptying penny nails into a paper bag. The open door brought not only the faint movement of air but the sounds of horses, squeaky wheels, and impatient children. Two old men playing a game of checkers added to the cacophony which Rachel tuned out as she replayed the scene from last night in her mind.
“Rachel,” Mrs. Cuthburt had said in her put-on, overly dignified voice. “Tomorrow we will begin the process of selecting a husband for you now that you are nearing womanhood.” Rachel had stood silently trying to blend into the wall, the chair, anything, so these words would not be directed towards her. “I have spoken with Pastor Philpott and he assures me several good Christian men are interested in bidding for you.” Bidding for her? As she reflected on these words, she realized she had missed what the woman said next, but caught, “and Charlie will not be going with you, so wipe that indignant expression off your face this instant.” Charlie. She would be leaving Charlie behind.
“Dagnabit!” The loud curse and a hand coming down hard on top of the checkers table brought Rachel back to the present.
“Bill, I swear you cheat!”
“Nope,” said Bill, “just better’n you, ya’ old goat!”
“Gentlemen,” Mrs. Dodd exclaimed indignantly reaching to pick up a wayward checker piece, “please do not argue, and no profanity in the store.” Both men chuckled, noting the startled and embarrassed face of Mrs. Dodd along with the rising color in her cheeks, and began to set up the board for another game. It had all been a show to get a rise out of the prim Mrs. Dodd.
Rachel’s thoughts turned back to the conversation of the night before and felt the familiar uncontrollable shaking in her belly she had experienced since hearing Mrs. Cuthburt’s verdict. She forced in a big gulp of air trying to calm her quivering muscles and wiped her sweating brow.
“Dear, are you alright?” It was Mrs. Dodd and she was moving towards her. Rachel grappled for something to steady herself but missed. Mrs. Dodd reached out and touched Rachel’s shoulder to steady her. Unfamiliarity coursed through her arm at the unexpected touch. Rachel took a quick, furtive glance at the hand causing the discomfort and bolted for the door, nearly upsetting the game of checkers in her haste. She ran with abandon, not considering what others might think, nor realizing she was bringing attention to herself. Her feet carried her unbidden until she reached the copse of trees near the church cemetery towards the edge of town. Her breath burst in and out of her spent lungs. She sought a place to hide where she could garner the strength needed to overcome the obstacle before her. Elbows pressing into her sides, arms wrapped around her heaving midsection, she felt her own labored breathing. These were outward signals that she was alive, but on the inside, she felt dead, and at this moment, the cemetery seemed like the perfect place to retreat.


Broken. Everything in his shattered life was broken. His wagon wheel had a split, one horse had a loose shoe, and his heart…Oh, his heart. It felt fragmented into a million, minuscule, unfixable pieces. Melvin Trexler sat atop the buckboard seat. His face, unusually haggard for his 29 years, was accentuated by thin white lips and clenched jaw as if he were in physical pain. The tension in Melvin’s body caused his nostrils to flare as he arched his back. He had been restless for miles and willed himself to relax his grip on the well-worn reins much like he’d done earlier when he had to rein in his words and not chastise his young son for incessant storytelling. He glanced behind him and observed that young Thomas was still wedged between supplies, with his eyes devotedly on the bundle to his right. So like his mother, he thought. He needed this child, the apple of his eye, to know he was loved and not allow the child to take on the grief, anger, frustration, and lack of peace tormenting his weary soul. That was unfair to the boy, and Melvin already foresaw the amount of hurt and pain that would come. Am I capable of doing such a thing to my children? Melvin pondered on the steps he knew he was about to take, the decision he had made, the agony he would endure.
The journey they had begun countless weeks before had been long and arduous but also filled with hope and anticipation for a bright future. His beautiful and vivacious Mary had painted a picture with words as they had traveled the hundreds of miles to this, this, well, what he could only now call “God-forsaken country.” Where was the fertile land she spoke of, the bubbling brooks she explained in such detail he could hear them gurgling as she spoke, the perfect row of trees edged along the pond teaming with life where he and Mary would build their house? His dream was broken too, smashed and discarded, piece by precious piece. Mary would not be there to see the dream that had blossomed into reality if only in their minds, fulfilled. He had buried her along the road some miles back after she birthed the tiniest baby girl he had ever seen. Mary had named her Cecelia Grace. A fancy name he didn’t care for, but he would not break that also. No, he would honor the choice of his precious Mary.
Five-year-old Thomas, with his thick dark hair that continually fell over startling blue eyes, turned tentatively towards the front where his father rigidly sat directing the horses’ steps while not even seeing where they were going.
In a light whisper, Thomas petitioned, “Daddy? Sissy and I are hungry. Can we stop?” The boy had taken to calling his new treasure “Sissy” since Cecelia seemed more than he could manage. He had also taken to speaking for the small bundle who rarely made a noise or squirmed. Her tiny body was void of the nourishment of her mother’s milk or even animals’ milk since they had not seen a farm to purchase any since yesterday. It was a good thing Thomas cared for the infant, or Melvin would have remained absorbed in his grief and likely forgotten about both of his children.
“Soon, Thomas. Soon,” was the only answer given.
As Melvin crested a small hill, he saw a modest-sized town below. A few people dressed in serviceable clothing sauntered down the main street dotted with clapboard buildings of various sizes. A rugged walkway ran the length of the town on both sides, occasionally covered by an overhang from the building providing its shade. Even from this distance he recognized the familiar sounds of the poorly played and slightly out of tune saloon piano and raucous laughter of the inebriated patrons–some intoxicated from drink, others by women. He saw the swirling smoke of chimneys and guessed a boarding house, restaurant, or blacksmith would require its use in this miserably unbreathable April air.
He noticed a band of children walking in a straight line behind a tall, thin woman in black. Her ramrod straight back, folded hands, and erect head suggested authority. The orphanage matron. He felt his heart drop into his stomach and realized it wasn’t the April air, but his shallow breathing causing him so much discomfort. He ran his finger around the neckline of what had once been a well-fitting shirt, now loose, the fabric felt tight around his throat.
The movement of people milling about the town and the questioning expressions he predicted he would receive from them gave him pause. There was always one busybody in every town, and he wasn’t ready to face the inevitable.
Off to the right, he noticed a freshly painted white church with a stately steeple. It seemed unusual that such a structure would exist so far out in the middle of nowhere. The well-manicured graveyard beside the church was enclosed by a low fence. Near the edge was an enormous tree, standing strong and tall like a sentry over the church and graveyard. He noticed several smaller shade-bearing trees with bright green leaves, some still unfurling from their birth, providing cooling comfort to those no longer needing their services.
He turned the weary horses towards the haven, willed his stiff limbs to climb down, and gingerly lifted first Thomas then Cecelia from the confines of their prison. He handed the infant to Thomas without a word and began to search for the last of the biscuits. The kind woman who’d cared for Cecelia her first few days of life had been a godsend. This allowed Melvin to consider his options before continuing on the journey for which Mary had been so excited. He found the jar of apple butter Mary had lovingly made before they had embarked on their adventure. He stood motionless as he remembered her eyes, so like Thomas’s. Even now, in his memory, he felt the gentle touch of the hands he had tenderly kissed so many times, heard her lilting laugh as she felt him shudder at her touch. He shakily poured a small bit of tepid water in a mug, added a bit of apple butter, dipped the not-so-clean end of a rag into the mixture, and swirled it around to moisten. This he put in the baby’s mouth to suck on until he could prepare sugar water for the child.


Sitting cross-legged on the quilt, Melvin realized he hadn’t eaten a bite when his continued thoughts of Mary were interrupted.
“Daddy, Sissy, and I want to go play.”
He pulled his mind from the pleasantly painful musings. “Yes, son, I’m sure you do, but your little sister needs a rest and a change.”
“Oh.” Thomas slowly drew out the one-word response, completely understanding he did not want to be around for either option. “Can I pick flowers for Ma?” A barely perceptible nod from the distracted parent was all Thomas needed.
Flowers for his Ma. Thomas had seen his father place dried-up weeds, a perfect likeness of Melvin’s heart, on Mary’s grave just a few short days, or was it weeks, ago? Melvin couldn’t recollect. Thomas had continued to ask to pick unusual flowers as they journeyed. Not fully understanding, Thomas would set the already wilting stalks gingerly aside as they continued traveling, leaving the beloved wife and mother further and further behind with each passing mile. Go ahead, he thought as he watched Thomas bound off. This will be the last time I get to see you demonstrate your love for the ma you will likely soon forget…as you will most certainly forget me. He was a coward.
Broken. That single word summed up his heart, his marriage, his life, and now he was getting ready to make it worse. He was going to break up his family and leave his children with strangers.

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Bodyguard SEAL by Paige Tyler

Bodyguard SEAL by Paige Tyler

Romance can be dangerous business…
Author Peyton Matthews never expected the price of fame would come to this. But someone has broken into her house in an attempt to steal the highly anticipated book in her YA romance series. A crazed super-fan? Or something more sinister? Either way, she’s on deadline and her publisher is taking no chances. Now she’s got a bodyguard, a hotter-than-hell Navy SEAL who’ll stay with her 24/7. Where she goes, he goes. All day, all night. And suddenly Peyton finds herself living out a romance plot.

But more than your heart can be broken.
Noah Bradley is on medical leave from active duty. With orders to do nothing, he’s about to lose his mind. A man can only play video games for so long. So, when his sister asks if he’d watch over a writer friend for a couple of weeks, Noah jumps at the chance to have something to do. No way did he expect the ‘writer’ to be a famous, walking-talking goddess who makes him more nervous than a room full of terrorists. But he soon realizes the quiet, sweet Peyton is everything he didn’t know he wanted. And for once he wants to have a real relationship. If he can keep Peyton alive.

When she’s kidnapped by the would-be book thieves, Noah is racing against the clock to find her. And he’s running out of time.

Targeted Age Group:: Adult
Heat/Violence Level: Heat Level 4 – R Rated

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
This book was inspired by: men with six-pack abs, sunny beaches, sea breezes, yoga poses, tough guys trying to hide their injuries, romance book authors…and their fans, nasty people who pirate book manuscripts, car trunks, and crowded airports.

How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
Noah Bradley casually sauntered into my mind one day and carefully placed his obviously injured leg on the footstool in front of the couch (FYI…there is a lot of comfy furniture in my head). Anyway, he looked my way and told me that he was too injured to go on any SEAL missions for a while (yeah…he’d tried to hide it and had gotten his ass caught). “You got anything low key I can do for a while…just to keep me from going insane from boredom?”
I suggested taking an online mediation course, but he nixed that idea. Apparently he’s not into mediation…or online courses for that matter.
Really needing to get him out of my head, I pointed him towards a friend of his sister, who didn’t know she was in danger until that very second. I feel sort of bad about putting Peyton in danger purely to get this guy out of my head…but I’m a writer…it’s what I do.

I really had no idea they’d fall for each other. Truthfully, I didn’t even think they were looking for a serious relationship until I saw them mooning over each other. Whatever happened after I threw them together is not my fault. It’s possible that yoga pants are to blame for everything.
Again…not my fault.

Book Sample
As Peyton headed for the stairs, she was extremely aware of Noah walking behind her, and she suddenly found herself wondering if he was checking out her butt. Reminding herself that they weren’t in one of her books, she hurried up the rest of the steps, quickly pointing out the guest room, workout room, the home office where she did her writing, and a spare bathroom.

“My bedroom is the one at the end of the hall,” she added.

“Does your boyfriend stay over often?” he asked, his dark gaze surveying her bedroom, eyes lingering for a moment on the king-sized bed with its soft blue paisley-print blanket before turning to look toward the en suite bathroom beyond.

Thank goodness Noah wasn’t looking her way or he would have seen her standing there gaping like a carp.

“What?” she finally managed to squeak, hoping it would give her a little more time to gather her thoughts.

“Your boyfriend?” He swung his gaze back to her. “I assume he spends the night occasionally and need to know when so I can make myself scarce.”

Blushing, she slowly shook her head. In truth, her dating life was nonexistent. But it wasn’t her fault. She’d gone out with guys in college and had been in a relationship for a while after graduating, but nothing had come of it. Dating had taken a backseat once her writing career took off. Hell, she hadn’t even been out with a guy since sometime during the middle of book two in her series. Or had it been the beginning of book three? It was hard to remember. She liked to blame her lack of social life on her writing schedule, but honestly, she hadn’t met anyone who sparked enough of an interest to bother. But maybe that was changing.

“You don’t have to worry about that,” she said. “I’m sort of between boyfriends at the moment, so no guys will be hanging around.”

“Except me,” he murmured.

Peyton was sure she saw a flicker of something in his chocolate-brown eyes, though before she could be sure, he stepped past her into the hallway.

“Yup, just you,” she said, only realizing how sad that sounded once it was out.

When he didn’t respond, she decided he probably hadn’t heard her anyway, which was fortunate.

“So, this bodyguard thing,” she said, catching up with him in the hallway. “How does it work? Do you follow me around all the time, or will you be somewhere in hiding, ready to come running when I scream for help?”

He gave her a smile. “Less of the first and more of the second.”

She refused to touch the innuendo with a ten-foot pole. “So, I simply go about my business like normal, writing and stuff?”

“Yup. You do whatever you usually do, go wherever you usually go, and I’ll stay in the background. You won’t even know I’m here.”

Um, right.

Peyton seriously doubted she’d forget a man like Noah was hanging out in her house. He was sort of hard to miss, even when he wasn’t in the same room.

She cleared her throat, motioning toward her home office. “Okay then. I’m going to hang out up here and get some writing done. Feel free to grab something else to eat or drink if you want. I’ll be up here…just writing.”

Noah smiled again, then turned and headed downstairs. Peyton watched him disappear down the steps. How the hell was she ever going to get any writing done when her hunky bodyguard had taken up residence in her head?

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SEAL of Her Dreams

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Stone Cold by Karina Kantas

Stone Cold by Karina Kantas

If being bullied through every school Billy went to wasn’t enough, being attacked in her own home just pushed her over the edge.
Now severely depressed and suicidal, Billy takes matters into her own hands and sees a counsellor.
After just one session, she’s now on her way to Scotland as a volunteer to help the Professor of Edinburgh university, dig and clean up an archaeological site that has just been discovered.

Although she tries to shy away from the others, not wanting them to find a reason to dislike her, she’s soon accepted as one of them. Without realising it’s happening, she becomes closer to Shane, a motocross enthusiast who has taken her under his wing.

However, whilst working at the site, Billy comes across an unusual stone. She takes it to the Professor to be looked at, but he dismisses it as a pendant probably dropped by a hiker and so threads the stone with a black leather cord and gives it back to Billy.
Only the peace they once had, the friendships they had all formed, gets tested as bodies start to pile up.

Targeted Age Group:: YA
Heat/Violence Level: Heat Level 3 – PG-13

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
It's very biographic. Some of the situations in the book are my own experience.

How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
The characters are based on real people. Just the names have been changed to protect the (not so innocent).

Book Sample
The second time she found herself huddled in a corner of a small broom cupboard. Again, she had no recollection of how she got there, especially as the last thing she remembered was sitting down at the dinner table eating and drinking with the others. Imagine her surprise, and fear, to suddenly discover being in a dark cupboard as though no time had passed at all. That episode freaked her out. Billy wanted to ask someone if she said or did anything strange at dinner, but of course she didn’t dare to inquire.
What really concerned her was the third occasion where she misplaced time. She was standing over the sink washing plates and thinking of nothing in particular, when, in the next instant, she tasted a rusty, iron flavour inside her mouth that could only have been blood. When she pulled her hands out of the cold, soapy water she noticed they were dyed with caked blood. Billy quickly wiped her mouth, but neither her teeth nor lips were bleeding. She searched the bottom of the sink but couldn’t find any broken pieces of china or sharp knives that could have cut her hands. In fact, Billy couldn’t find any evidence of any cuts at all. Hastily, she scrubbed off the blood and finished the washing up, almost in a daze as she tried to reason out what had happened. It was a mystery that couldn’t be solved by Billy alone; but she wasn’t about to involve anyone else, especially as she assumed the others were already questioning her sanity.
The night terrors continued. On a couple of occasions, the other girls in the dorm woke her. Billy apologized profusely, blaming it on something she ate. Still, it never got to the stage where she was too scared to sleep. Although her dreams were traumatic, they were also strangely comfortable. It was as though another was sharing her experiences; she was not alone, and it eased the loneliness that had been in her waking life for so long now.

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