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Published: Wed, 03/24/21

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Featured Book: Lumberjack's Baby by K.C. Crowne

K.C. Crowne book cover
About Featured Book: Lumberjack's Baby by K.C. Crowne

As I watch the single father with his little girl….
I decide I don't care about the darkness from his past – or the demons that threaten to take everything away.

Some see a hard criminal.
Dangerous and unworthy of love.
But I see a tortured soul.

There's much more to him than meets the eye.

And the way I feel near him is …exhilarating.

This won’t be easy.
I might regret it all.

But if the baby in my belly is going to have a father – I can’t imagine anyone more worthy.

I’ll stand right here by his side.
I just hope the demons that haunt him don't burn it all to the ground.

This Erotica book is available in these Formats: eBook

Buy Book Here.


The Perfect Lie by A.L. Long

The Perfect Lie by A.L. Long

How can I survive this game of cat and mouse?

I don’t know who to trust. There are so many lies. I see now I can’t trust the people closest to me—my father, my mother, the McCalls, and sadly Davian.

Davian would do anything to keep me safe, but is it for love or his own personal gain.

Rui Salko will stop at nothing to get what he wants, and he will kill anyone who gets in his way, and I fear that includes me.

I just pray that leaving Davian won’t be the biggest mistake I ever make.

The story between Davian Cross and Reyna McCall continues with Book Three of the Sinful Pleasures series. The Perfect Lie is a continuation of the Perfect Wife and The Perfect Escape. It is recommended that the series be read in order beginning with The Perfect Wife.

Targeted Age Group:: 18+
Heat/Violence Level: Heat Level 4 – R Rated

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
I began the series last December and having been a writer since 2013, it was time to do another series. I really love this one.

How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
I love having powerful characters in all my books, so coming up with the characters wasn't too difficult. The hero is powerful, somewhat arrogant, but in the same breath, sensitive and passionate. The heroine is stubborn and willing to take chances at every turn.

Book Sample
There wasn’t anything more to be said. Davian ignored my question, but his answer was written all over his face. It was Gwen on the computer screen, and she was alive. The realization that I could lose Davian to a woman I never met hit me like a ton of bricks, and tears rolled down my face like a waterfall. Desperate to hide the emotional turmoil inside, I quickly turned from Davian and the rest of the men and ran up the stairs.

From the day I was born, my life had been nothing more than a roller-coaster ride. First losing my mom, now the possibility of losing Davian. Granted, my mom came back, but it didn’t change the fact that she had given me up. And now, the same would happen with Davian.

When I reached the top step, I no longer knew where I belonged. I wasn’t sure how long I stood frozen by the stairs until Davian came up behind me. “No matter what, I love you, Reyna. Nothing will change that.”

Davian’s breath was warm against my neck, and I felt his arms wrap around my waist. At that single moment, the way he held me, I knew he meant it. He really loved me, but I couldn’t help but wonder if he wouldn’t feel differently once he came face to face with Gwen. It was just a matter of time.

I pressed my body against his and took a deep breath. “I love you too.”

I loved Davian more than anyone else in my life. Well, except for Kenzi, but my love for her was much different. Instead of worrying about what might or might not happen or if the love we had for one another was strong enough to keep us together, I switched my focus to how good I felt with his arms wrapped around me.

I heard heavy footsteps and Patton’s voice boomed behind us. “Davian, you need to see this.”

Releasing his hold on me, Davian spun me around and took hold of my hands, gently squeezed them as he leaned toward me. “Remember, princess. Nothing will change how I feel about you. Not even Gwen.”

I nodded my head and he released my hands. I couldn’t bring myself to watch him head down the stairs. Wrapping my hands around my waist, I moved away from the stairs and headed to our bedroom. If I was going to have an emotional breakdown, the last thing I wanted was for everyone to witness it.

Hearing the girls laughing in Kenzi’s room, I hurried past the open door, noticing that their eyes were on each other instead of the door. They were the closest thing I had to sisters, but I couldn’t bring myself to let them know about Gwen and her miraculous resurrection. I was fully aware that they wouldn’t judge Davian or me. Still, I didn’t have the courage to share with them the cause of my meltdown.

I quickly walked past the other two bedrooms before reaching my and Davian’s bedroom. As I pushed open the door, I could smell a hint of Davian’s cologne mixed with the scent of my perfume still lingering in the room from this morning. The thought of losing Davian sunk in. I couldn’t imagine spending my life without him. My eyes burned with the need to let the tears fall.

Closing the door behind me, I pressed my body against the hard surface. As I closed my eyes, all I wanted was to forget the last ten minutes and pretend it never happened—like it was nothing more than a bad dream. Everything played back in my mind, and so did what Davian said. Rui had something to do with this. Even though I didn’t see who else was on the computer screen, Davian’s reaction proved Rui was with Gwen. Never had I seen Davian so angry. Rightly so; I knew firsthand what a monster Rui Salko was. If he was the man with Gwen, the possibility of her being with him of her own free will was questionable. Knowing how I felt under Rui’s control, I couldn’t imagine what this was doing to Davian. To find out that the woman he once loved was still alive and with a man like Rui Salko had to be hard for him to fathom.

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