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Published: Sun, 03/14/21

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Best of Pastor’s Ponderings: 40 Reflections for Your Spiritual Journey by Steve Wilmot

Best of Pastor’s Ponderings: 40 Reflections for Your Spiritual Journey by Steve Wilmot

“You have a future regardless of your past.”

“Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.”

“Every person God ever used had a past he or she was ashamed of, but that didn’t matter to God. It didn’t tie his hands. Just because you have a dark past doesn’t mean God will toss you into the garbage heap as worthless. Far from it. Every saint has a past that Jesus Christ changed.”

“But it’s equally true that every sinner has a future. Look at Apostle Paul, for example.”

We all need reminders along the way and the lines above are a sample of those you’ll find in this book. It’s tough to trek the path of your spiritual journey. If you try to do it alone, it’s near-impossible.

This book will be a valuable companion through the difficulties and trials, victories and defeats, gains and losses pilgrims encounter on their pilgrimage toward Home. It will encourage you and inspire you to finish your spiritual journey strong.

Targeted Age Group:: Teens through Adult
Heat/Violence Level: Heat Level 1 – G Rated Clean Read

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
The spiritual journey Christ-followers trek is scattered with difficulties, disappointments, and set-backs. It's hard enough to try to do it on your own. I've learned that from my own experiences. The wolf loves the lone sheep; our enemy loves it when we're in isolation from other travelers.

I wrote this book — a collection of newspaper columns written over the last 20 years — to offer encouragement and inspiration to press on regardless of the mountains and valleys we pass through. Each chapter is written to cheer the reader on to say at the end of his life, "I have fought the good fight; I have finished the race; I have been faithful."

Book Sample
Did you ever wish for a real Time Machine when you were growing up? I did. How cool would it be to go back in time and listen to Lincoln give the Gettysburg Address or watch our forefathers sign the Declaration of Independence or see Babe Ruth hit a home run?
If you’re like me, I’ll bet you had another motive for a Time Machine. If it could take us back in time, we would change some things we did or said we wish we hadn’t. Or do and say some things we wish we had.
Imagine if there was a Time Machine that could whisk Bible characters back in time to correct some of their foolish decisions.
Knowing then what she knows now, Eve would never get within a thousand miles of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil where Satan handed her that apple.
Moses would speak to the rock like he was told rather than strike it with his staff in anger. Then he could have entered the Promised Land. I’m sure he wished for a do-over…
If you had a Time Machine, what decision would you trade for a different choice? What event in your life would you revisit if you could change it?
Everyone dreams of getting a second chance, a do-over, an opportunity to correct a terrible choice.
But the reality is the past is the past and you can’t change the past…
While it’s true you can’t change the past, there is a higher reality that trumps it. You cannot change your past, BUT Jesus Christ can change your future.

Links to Purchase Print Book version – Click links for book samples, reviews and to purchase
Buy Best of Pastor’s Ponderings: 40 Reflections for Your Spiritual Journey Print Edition at Amazon

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