Readers' Hideaway Daily News

Published: Sat, 02/06/21

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Featured Book: Let Loose & Laugh, Priceless Stories On Navigating Life With A Sense Of Humor by GERRY USREY

About Featured Book: Let Loose & Laugh, Priceless Stories On Navigating Life With A Sense Of Humor by GERRY USREY

[Amazon free e-Book promotion: Feb 6-8, 2021]
Life is full of surprises that descend on you, not like a wet blanket or a ton of bricks but a bag of feathers. Pillow fights with life where nobody gets hurt except maybe a bruised ego or two. Flubs, fumbles, bungles and boners that, when all’s said and done, you’ve gotta let loose and laugh – at yourself. Might as well, because others will probably be laughing too. Why not join the fun?

That's the message, the advice, from the author's hilarious stories of practical jokes, mortifying embarrassing moments, and do-it-yourself blunders in "Handyman Land."

There's a good chance you'll see yourself (or your significant other) in some of these tales. At a minimum, you'll get a round of good laughs along with the author. He's laughing at himself. Laugh along with him.

This Non-Fiction book is available in these Formats: eBook, Print

Buy Book Here.



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Deborah Carney
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