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Published: Sat, 08/06/22

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Forging of a Knight, Against the Alliance by Hugo Negron

Forging of a Knight, Against the Alliance by Hugo Negron

Despite warnings from the Kings of the Alliance and the elves of Hermstingle, a disgraced knight named Qualtan moves forward with his knightly Order, prompting war against his former allies. Only one thing can save them all: for Qualtan to reproduce the quest his uncle and father had undertaken many years ago to defeat Those That Stand in Shadow – to find the Master of the Great Beasts, the Dragon King, and bring him back in time to stop the battle.

Targeted Age Group:: YA to Adult
Heat/Violence Level: Heat Level 3 – PG-13

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
This is the big finale to the seven book Forging of a Knight series. I've always had a passion for fantasy, and themes regarding second chances, of redemption, are important to me and resonate throughout the series. Good and evil are not always what they seem, and sometimes what is right and what is wrong can be interpreted differently. Is the hero of this tale truly in the right to risk others for his dream? Are his former allies truly in the right to be driven to take down a friend to their nations, a school of wizards, for fear they have become too powerful and thus too uncontrollable despite their good works? The reader will have to decide…

How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
Many of the characters developed themselves, in that when I first began writing this series, certain aspects to their personalities grew along with the tales and ended up taking the storylines into areas I hadn't initially considered. Yes, I crafted the typical archetypes – noble naive hero, the cynical street wise companion, the other-worldly demonic foes – the premises were initially there, but they grew and matured as I did, in a sense, such as the main hero having a darker side at times, and the main villain having a caring bond with a character that nurtured and supported him. Finally, some characters that started off as merely background supporting cast members such as the female knight Jesepha, the wizardress Cassandra, a certain unicorn horned, flying cat, and even Death him/herself, developed into larger players of the series, writing their own stories themselves.

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Featured Book: Codename Poltergeist: Some call him a ghost by William Joel

About Featured Book: Codename Poltergeist: Some call him a ghost by William Joel

The CIA and presidential cabinet members covertly enter into an agreement with the Palestinians to remove certain key Israeli government figures in a plan to enable the United States to claim that they engineered peace in the Middle East and gain the favor of Arabic countries and likely gain favor to increase energy supply. Sentinel, a group of angelic-type beings who monitor the Earth, are very concerned that the United States could be igniting a major conflict if the Israelis learn of the plan and retaliate.

Taneen, an unscrupulous and deadly CIA operative convinces the CIA deputy director of operations to eliminate the agency’s most highly regarded operative, James Halyard, Codename Poltergeist, believing Halyard was a possible threat to their plans. Taneen won’t admit it, but he’s scared of Halyard who moves like a ghost through his missions and is jealous of Halyard’s deadliness. The attempt to kill Halyard fails, but they kill Halyard’s wife in the process. An angelic-like being from the Sentinel rescues Halyard who was seriously injured in the explosion that practically destroyed the hotel room he was sharing with his wife.

Sentinel heals Halyard of his wounds. They have been monitoring Halyard for some time and give him the option of becoming an agent for their purposes with highly augmented mental and physical abilities. He agrees and truly becomes Poltergeist able to move silently with the grace and ease of a large predator. His earing, vision, and cognitive abilities are highly elevated, and he has the ability to move through the transparency to escape from confined spaces. Sentinel sends Poltergeist to unravel and thwart the conspiracy. Even with Poltergeist’s impressive abilities he finds Taneen to be elusive and very deadly. Poltergeist encounters several unforeseen allies, a highly capable and equally lethal MOSSAD agent, Deborah Eisman, who at first sought to eliminate him and a crusty homicide detective, Harry Sullivan who help Poltergeist battle Taneen and the CIA.

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Death by Chocolate by Sally Berneathy

Death by Chocolate by Sally Berneathy

Over a thousand five-star reviews! USA Today Bestseller!
Lindsay’s only secret is the recipe for her chocolate chip cookies, but she is surrounded by people with deadly secrets. Book 1 in series of 8.
Come for the cookie chip cookies, stay for the murder, mayhem and fun!

Targeted Age Group:: All audiences
Heat/Violence Level: Heat Level 3 – PG-13

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
"Write what you know," they said. I wrote romance novels in the '90s, then computer code for a decade. Returning to fiction after my third divorce, I realized I did not know anything about romance. However, I make very good chocolate desserts, and I've often fantasized about doing away with my ex. "Write what you know." Death by Chocolate was born.

How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
My main character, Lindsay Powell, has my baking skills and my smart mouth. I did not set out to give her the latter. However, friends say she sounds like me. I suppose this is to be expected since I write her dialogue. King Henry, the homeless cat who moves in with Lindsay, is based on a cat who did that to me. My cat has crossed over the Rainbow Bridge, but he lives again every time I write about Lindsay's cat. Fred Sommers, Lindsay's mysterious neighbor, is based on a long-time friend I have known since high school. One day I realized I didn't know very much about him. He claimed to do computer work for a residential gas company, but he never provided a lot of detail. Was he really a government spy? An undercover cop? A member of the mob? In book 8 of this series, I finally figured out his story.

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