Readers' Hideaway Daily News

Published: Mon, 05/30/22

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Featured Book: Good Night, Grammy by Matt Rufo

About Featured Book: Good Night, Grammy by Matt Rufo

Five-year-old Samantha is very sad. Her grandmother has just died.
How do parents deal with their children’s grief, as they themselves are suffering the same loss?

Good Night, Grammy shows how one family helps their daughter remember the loss of her beloved grandmother.

One night as Samantha is getting ready for bed, her mother asks her what book she would like to be read.

Suddenly sadness fills Samantha’s face and tears fill up her little eyes.

“What’s wrong, Samantha?” Mom and Dad are very concerned.

“I was thinking of Grammy and how she would read me stories before bed and cuddle with me in the big rocking chair. I miss hearing her voice. It would calm me before bed and it just makes me so sad.”

Dad gets a tissue and Mom wipes her tears and consoles her. Mom tells Samantha, “We all miss her so much. What can we do to make you feel better?”

Samantha thinks. “Actually Mommy, can I do a bedtime prayer for Grammy?”

Sometimes it’s the simple things that make us feel better.

Price reduced for a limited time.

This Children’s Book book is available in these Formats: eBook, Print

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Featured Book: THE LAST SELF HELP BOOK that you will ever need to be happy by Dr. Don E. Miller

About Featured Book: THE LAST SELF HELP BOOK that you will ever need to be happy by Dr. Don E. Miller

What kind of supreme arrogance allows someone to call their book “The Last Self Help Book: that you will ever need.” It is a catchy title, isn’t it? Maybe it will grab people’s attention. And, what if, it happened to be true? Or at least some part of it turned out to be true? The whole book, in one way or another, is working on the same premise: Control physiological arousal levels so we can be relatively free of most mental illnesses, anxiety, depression and be happy. Dr. Miller’s experience and multiple studies quoted in the book find that depression almost always precedes periods of high tension and anxiety.

Chapter One defines stress and provides multiple ways to reduce tension/stress to be happy. A chapter on parenting that repeatedly shows how anger and harshness drastically compromises the potential for success in children; how to be nice to your kids and still get them to do whatever you want. Want to solve America’s drug problems? See chapter “Teen Rescue.” The Anger Management chapter tells you step-by-step how to turn yourself and other people in your world into nice guys (and girls or ladies). There are two chapters on how to use fantasy in therapy, harking back to millennia-old story-telling techniques.

In the chapter on “Pain” is tension reduction that will reduce pain levels. Ahhh, sleep. The many dangers of not getting enough sleep, are discussed in the Insomnia chapter, along with ways of adding to restful snooze times. Then there is the formula for stopping procrastination. Finally, a chapter on love and some secret reasons (yes, pheromones) why it happens. Dr. Miller wants to apologize in advance for the repetitions. You may read different variations of what the devices in lie detectors do, what we can learn from the measure of tension. Please look at these repetitions here and there, as a way to review some of the important lessons of tension control. It will often be the same advice in different words. Hopefully, repetition will help some concepts stick in your brain better. You may get tired of the “apologize” recommendation for so many different situations, especially anger management. But it turns out this is a very powerful defusing technique and allows you to spend zero time with obnoxious people.

This book includes and ties together information from multiple disciplines including anthropology, neuro-anatomy, various facets of Eastern religion including Zen, biology, physiology, biophysics, chemistry, social science, geology, archeology, meteorology, zoology, human biology, cell biology, psychology, astronomy and a few others. It is hoped that multiple perspectives from multiple disciplines will give a broad, and as inclusive as possible, perspective on humanity.

On Dr. Don Miller’s YouTube Channel, multiple videos on several topics add another whole dimension to the self-help tips in this book. Instead of reading a script in a self-help book that promises to teach you relaxation skills, you can go directly to my YouTube channel and watch relaxation and other videos and be guided through expanded opportunities to apply the knowledge and skills acquired in this book. Your life can improve watching these videos as you learn how to break addictions, overcome fear and get yourself motivated. Dr. Miller’s videos will help you on your path of personal development. Dr. Miller’s Sobriety series that is focused on alcoholism, consists of 17 videos – designed to aid in reaching and maintaining sobriety. Also videos on weight control, stop smoking, PTSD, insomnia, procrastination, parenting and relaxation. There are some fun videos. New ones are added periodically.

Following the educational advice in a self-help book can often result in better mental health and even happiness, just as a medical book on healthy habits can improve physical health. But in no way can a self-help book or YouTube video be considered a substitute for treatment with a therapist.

Limited price discount until June 15, 2022.

This Non-Fiction book is available in these Formats: eBook, Print

This book is in Kindle Unlimited and is a new release!

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Featured Book: Ephesians by M. J. Kelley II

About Featured Book: Ephesians by M. J. Kelley II

Why this book?

There are many Bible Study options today on the New Testament Epistles. The question is, what makes this book different? Why would you want to commit to this study?

More than anything else, it is the approach that this book series takes that sets it apart from the many fine study resources available today. Similar to how Jesus addressed the seven Churches in the Book of Revelation, this study series will examine the Epistles and present the study as if Jesus is speaking the words to the church—to believers, today.

Jesus extended words of encouragement to the seven Churches in Revelation 2-3, but the focus of His message is more exhortation than encouragement. More than comforting, He challenges. He speaks not as the gentle shepherd in John 10, but as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah1 and conquering King of the Book of Revelation.2 This will be the tone of this study series.

1 Peter 5:8 encourages believers to

“Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”

1 Revelation 5:5

2 Revelation 19:11-16

Revelation 12:12 warns believers that

“…The devil…is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short.”

These verses remind followers of Christ that this generation bears witness to the fulfillment of the last-days prophecies profiled in Ezekiel 37 and Matthew 24. Satan knows his time is short and is in a fury—prowling around, looking for someone to devour. Church—it’s the fourth quarter and it’s the big game. It’s time to step up, to be all in for the Lord, and to be prepared to finish well for Jesus.

Through this study, I will draw on Scripture to exhort the church today. Like a coach that wants to inspire a good team to overcome setbacks and finish well, I will share truth in love, but also in boldness. A Drill Sargent is not known for being politically correct or exceptionally gentle—a Drill Sargent has a limited time to harden and equip his troops to survive the coming battle. That’s how I see my role.

Evil is on the rise, darkness is falling, governments are crumbling, and economic systems are crashing. And at this critical time in history, the church seems to have lost its way. More than being known as a center for good, prayer, renewed lives, missions, sacrifice, unity, love, wisdom, truth, and miracles, the church is divided and marked by compromise, pettiness, selfishness, showiness, and infighting.

Price promotion for limited time.

This Christian Focused book is available in these Formats: eBook, Print

Buy Book Here.


You’re A Leader Now What?: The proven path to high performance leadership by Mick Spiers

You’re A Leader Now What?: The proven path to high performance leadership by Mick Spiers

Have you recently been appointed to your first leadership role or are you in a position mentoring developing leaders? Are you an aspiring exceptional millennial leader who wants to change the status quo and build a different future for other millennials?

In either case, this book is for you!

Your first leadership role is an exciting step, but can simultaneously be a daunting endeavour filled with anxiety. You have most likely excelled in your previous role, but quickly discover leadership is a whole new ball game!

Successful leadership is less about the knowledge and skills you have acquired in your specific domain, and much more about relating well with others, navigating complex interpersonal situations, and bringing out the best in your team.

In his ground-breaking new book, You’re A Leader, Now What?, Mick Spiers equips readers with practical leadership skills never taught in school and rarely developed in early careers. If you are looking to become a leader people naturally gravitate towards that inspires purpose-driven action in your teams, Spiers lays out a compelling blueprint to follow!

In this book, you will find:

• How to challenge the status quo of leadership;

• How to inspire people into action because they want to do it, not because they were told to;

• Ways to increase your emotional intelligence;

• How to draw the best out of people;

• Tips on becoming the leader of millennials;

• How to lead with purpose and meaning;

• Tips on practicing daily self-reflection

Being a leader is about inspiring people into action; it is not the same as being the boss or being a manager who tells people what to do

This book is designed for the next generation of leaders. The target audience are people that have been exceptional individual contributors and have recently transitioned into their very first leadership role. They have been successful and standouts in their chosen domain but have found the transition to leadership to be far more difficult than they ever expected. They soon discover that human beings are far more complex than they had ever considered.

Success in their chosen domain usually came from mastering knowledge and skills in that field. Success as a leader requires mastering how they interact with and relate to other people.

What is stopping you from reaching your career goals now and standing out from the crowd?

Targeted Age Group:: 25 to 60 years old
Heat/Violence Level: Heat Level 1 – G Rated Clean Read

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
The world is facing an increasing leadership crisis. Research from Gallup shows us that only 20% of people truly love their job and like their boss. People are spending up to 1/3 of their lives in jobs that either don’t inspire them or worse still, completely stress them out. I set myself on a mission to empower leaders with all of the skills and knowledge they need to create amazing teams and amazing workspaces. Workspaces where people have purpose and meaning in what they do; where voices are heard and opinions valued; and where everyone feels that they individually and collectively matter. This first book is designed for first time leaders that have found the transition to leadership to be more challenging than they ever expected. I wanted to provide them with core knowledge that would help them to accelerate to high performance leadership.

Links to Purchase Print Book version – Click links for book samples, reviews and to purchase
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Links to Purchase eBook version – Click links for book samples, reviews and to purchase
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Deborah Carney
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