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Published: Tue, 02/01/22

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That’s How It Was: Operation Finders Keepers by Hazel Pacheco

That’s How It Was: Operation Finders Keepers by Hazel Pacheco

That’s How It Was: Operation Finders Keepers comes under “interesting children’s fiction” category. This is a unique children’s book because it is primarily done in letter format. Set in the late 1960s, the letters are to Randy Ray’s future family. His ten-year-old self shares his perspective on people, animals, and faith as he contemplates whimsical and not-so-whimsical career choices. Who would have guessed that a class assignment would lead to captured moments in time waiting to be discovered by his daughters thirty-seven years later! His letters allow his daughters, Sarah and Melissa, to get to know the boy who became their father, and understand the essence of what it means to grow up country.

Targeted Age Group:: All audiences
Heat/Violence Level: Heat Level 1 – G Rated Clean Read

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
Some of my fondest memories while raising our two daughters were visiting the library and reading bedtime stories. It made me think "someday I'll write a children's book." After twenty-seven years of Federal service, someday finally came. That’s how it was!

How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
Many people wonder . . . what does a part Hispanic, part Native American woman, who has lived her entire life in New Mexico, know about growing up on a farm in the predominantly German and Scandinavian mid-west? Simply put . . . I married into it. Back in the day when I was dating, I had a dear friend tell me if I found someone who had a happy childhood, he'd be a good catch. I didn't give it much thought at the time, but it may have been a premonition on her part. I hit the jackpot! It turns out the love of my life had a wonderful, happy childhood growing up on a farm in the country. Over the years I've listened to my husband and his cousin talk about their mischievous escapades. Thus, the main characters and their stories are loosely based on real life.

Book Sample
"I am free to roam the earth as far as my legs or my bicycle will take me, and as long as I'm on time for supper, life couldn't be better." –Randy Ray

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Deadly Trail by Marilyn Meredith

Deadly Trail by Marilyn Meredith

The peace of the town of Bear Creek in the Southern Sierra is disrupted by the unusual death of the owner of the local inn. Though resident Deputy Tempe Crabtree’s job is not to investigate a murder case, she feels compelled to get involved when her friend Nick Two John is arrested. She realizes there are several people who wanted the victim dead, including his wife. As she continues to discover clues she puts her job, her wedding planning, and herself in danger.

Targeted Age Group:: All audiences
Heat/Violence Level: Heat Level 2 – PG

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
Moving from a big city to a small town in the mountains gave me the idea to write this book as the surroundings and the people were so different from what I was used to. The iconic inn, the main location in the story, is similar to the real inn but with fictional differences. Many folks were unhappy with the logging industry and what was going on at the time, gave me the idea of the beginning of the story.

How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
Deputy Tempe Crabtree is a combination of three women I met soon after I became a part of the small town: a female resident deputy, a female police officer I went on a ride-along with, and a Native American who great up on the nearby Indian reservation. Nick Two John came about after a met a popular and handsome Indian from the reservation–though most everything about the character is fictional. Tempe's fiance, a preacher, has attributes of many of the ministers I've known over the years.

Book Sample
Deputy Tempe Crabtree drove her official whit Blazer down the rough track. She spotted the muscular, bronze-skinned Yanduchi Indian plunge his Buck knife deep into the sidewall of one of the big tires of a truck fully loaded with newly-cut logs. She didn't have to see his face, she recognized him by his build and waist long black braids–Nick Two John.
If it hadn't been for the group of angry loggers, their blocked equipment, and the belligerent demonstrators, the scene might have been idyllic. Lofty cedars and fir trees interspersed with an occasional redwood grew so close together their foliage nearly blocked out the sun. Enormous ferns covered the floor of the forest.
Tempe jammed the brake pedal to the floor and leaped from her vehicle, but not soon enough to prevent Two John from yanking the knife downward and ruining the tire.
Before she could reach him, a tall, skinny logger threw down his cigarette and stomped toward Two John. "What the hell's wrong with you, man? You can't get away with that."
He swung at Two John.
The Indian blocked the blow with the arm that held the knife. "Back off, buddy," he growled. "I don't want to hurt you."
With her hand on her baton, Tempe strode toward the grappling men. "Throw down your knife, Nick. Step away from each other. Now."
"Did you see what he did, deputy?" the logger whined.
"How could I miss it? You're under arrest, Nick. You have the right to remain silent…" She recited the rest of his rights while Two John compliantly put his wrists together behind his back, awaiting handcuffs. He was only a couple of inches taller than her own five-foot eight.
When she'd finished, he said, "You ought to be ashamed of yourself, Crabtree."
Tempe laughed. "Because I arrested you? I'm doing my job."
"No, that's not what I meant. You ought to be demonstrating right along with me. Doesn't your Yanduchi ancestry mean anything to you?"
"Obviously not what you think it ought to.” Tempe led him to the Blazer.
"Didn't your Grandma teach you anything about what it means to be a native?" Nick asked.
She opened the door. "I was only eleven when Mama Lena died." When Tempe thought of her grandmother, she remembered herself as a little girl sitting on the comfortable lap with her head against the cushioning bosom, gazing up into the wrinkled brown face and twinkling dark eyes. She remembered her grandma brushing out her long graying hair and braiding it, intertwining colorful beaded ribbons. The memories made Tempe smile and feel sad at the same time. She had loved her grandmother very much.
With Two John locked inside the Blazer, Tempe turned to face the rest of the Save-the-Forest demonstrators who looked out of place in the usually peaceful surroundings. They shouted unintelligible slogans while crowding around her in a threatening manner. Logging in the national forest in the southern Sierra had been a controversial issue for a long time. Tempe had never been drawn into the dispute before. As resident deputy of Bear Creek, she spent her time enforcing the law in and around the small foothill community. But today, when the dispatcher put out the call she had been the nearest to the trouble.
"Quiet down," Tempe said. "Your permit is for a peaceful demonstration. You don't want to join Two John in the jail down in Dennison, do you?"
The voices lowered to a rumble but the small group continued to press nearer. If there were a problem she couldn't expect much help from the loggers, she'd handed out too many speeding tickets to them. Pulling herself into the driver's seat of the Blazer, she radioed to the substation requesting help. A highway patrolman came on to report he was only a few minutes away and would come and take over so she could transport her prisoner.

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When Push Comes to Shoot by Rena Koontz

When Push Comes to Shoot by Rena Koontz

Emma Hunter’s tyrannical brother deserved to die, even if the manner of his murder was horror-movie gruesome. As a police lieutenant, she’s duty-bound to provide whatever assistance she can in hunting down her brother’s killer, but she doesn’t mourn his loss. Business acquaintances, former friends, and even his relatives agree the world is better off without the despicable bully.

With no clues and too many suspects, it looks like the murderer might be home free — until tenacious Detective Jared Jones’ suspicions turn to Emma’s sweet sister-in-law. Emma knows for a fact that her brother’s mentally and emotionally abused wife is innocent, but conflicting loyalties prevent her from speaking up and turning the investigation in the right direction. What’s best for her brother’s widow could cost Emma everything she values — her career, her reputation, even her freedom.

Targeted Age Group:: Adult
Heat/Violence Level: Heat Level 4 – R Rated

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
The actual murder of a tyrannical husband by his abused wife inspired this story. The characters are based on real people in similar situations.

How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
An author's best resource is to write what she knows. I know these characters. Everyone has someone in their family they wish would disappear. This is their story.

Book Sample
Blood was everywhere, pooling on the faded Persian rug, splattered against the peeling wallpaper as if an oscillating fan had spread it, coagulated on the pale blue sofa in a spot sunken by years of weight dropped into it.

Emma stared at the sight, her stomach threatening to return her morning coffee even though the asshole deserved this.

For a brief moment, her mind drove her back to happier times in this room. Christmases. Birthday parties. Summer barbecues when the breeze from the trees bordering the property fluttered the curtains. The memories were hazy snippets recalled from some deep recess in her brain she’d almost lost. How long had it been since she stepped foot in this house? Too many years to count.

The place was eerily quiet. Like when the dead are present. Even the birds outside sensed it and stayed silent.
Her brother slouched in front of the TV. His feet were propped on a pile of newspapers, his tea mug leaving yet another ring on the coffee table. Only the TV wasn’t on. And he was dead.

Not much had changed in this room since the days when she was welcome here except the piles of paper, amount of mail, unread magazines and boxes lining both sides of the hallway had tripled. The passage from the living room to the family room was merely a precarious tunnel between the stacks. She shivered.
From his high school picture perched in the right-hand corner of the mantle, her brother stared back at her under a thin film of dust. His eyes were defiant even back then, some twenty-five years ago. Demeaning. Angry.

The sweet odor of blood stung her nostrils and she gulped. Homicide scenes were not her bag. Her eyes watered from the smell. There were twelve years between them, enough of a gap for him to resent a pesky little sister. Nevertheless, she’d worshipped him as her older brother, not comprehending that his disdain for her spread even then, like a slow-growing cancer. Disdain that would mutate into contempt. An attitude she refused to accept once she was older.

She reached for the picture but stopped her hand in mid-air. She wouldn’t touch him if he stood alive in front of her. Why should she touch him now that he was dead?


She whirled around, the intrusion of the officer’s voice startling her, and shoved her hands in her pockets like a guilty child.

“Ma’am, I’m afraid you can’t be here. The sergeant asked me to secure the premises from everyone until forensics arrives. The scene hasn’t been processed yet.”

“That’s all right, Officer…” His name gleamed from the polished nametag. “Petrus. I assure you I haven’t touched anything. I just wanted to see…” she cleared her throat, “you’re right, of course. I’ll leave. Do you know where my sister-in-law is?”


“My sister-in-law. The victim is my brother.”

The young patrolman snapped to attention. “My condolences, Lieutenant.”

“At ease, Officer Petrus. Thank you but it’s not necessary. I’m concerned about his wife. D’you know where she is? Was she here when it happened?”

“I don’t know, ma’am. You should speak to Sergeant Taylor. I believe he’s on the grounds. I’m only assigned to the perimeter.”

With one final glance at the couch, Emma walked to the kitchen door, noting the dirty dishes piled in the sink, the opened cereal box on the table and the puddled butter in the container on the counter. The hinges squealed when she stepped outside and inhaled deeply. The door needed oil. Odd. Her brother usually kept up with the house maintenance. Or at least he used to.

The back door had always served as the main entrance because the driveway that crawled up the hill circled the house to this point before descending again. It seemed natural to stop the car here and go inside.

Sergeant Taylor waved her over. “Lieutenant Hunter? What brings you here? Did the chief send you?”
She’d heard the rumors about Taylor’s missteps on his last few cases and some off-duty shenanigans that the department frowned upon. The boss certainly wouldn’t assign this homicide investigation to him, would he?

“Relax, Sergeant. I’m not here in an official capacity. The victim is my brother. As soon as I heard the radio call, I came over.”

His shoulders visibly relaxed. “My sympathies, Emma. But you know you can’t be involved in this investigation. It’s a blatant conflict of interest.”

“I understand. Are you handling the case?”

“And it means you can’t ask any questions. Not without getting my ass in a sling and I’ve had enough of that recently.” His thumb jabbed the air in the direction of the navy blue four-door making its way up the drive behind the forensics van. “Here comes homicide now.” She shaded her eyes and recognized the unmarked detectives’ vehicle.

“Is my sister-in-law still here?”

“She’s in the squad car.” He pointed to the opposite end of the house. That’s when she noticed the blue tarp on the roof, over the second-floor office if her memory was correct. Did the roof leak? Her brother had always bragged about his ability to fix anything. Too bad he hadn’t climbed up there and fallen off. An accidental death would have been so much easier.

“Has anyone talked to her?”

“She hasn’t said a word since she dialed 9-1-1. I would advise you not to interfere, Emma. You know how territorial homicide gets.”

She smiled as she backed away from him. “I told you, I’m not here officially. I just want to check on her.”

A young officer she didn’t recognize stood sentry beside the rear passenger door of the running vehicle. “Officer, I’d like a minute with her please.” Eyeing her lieutenant’s bars, he stepped aside.

She opened the door and was smacked in the face with a blast of frigid air. Mary sat in the backseat shivering, kneading rosary beads between her fingers. Emma jumped back and barked at the patrolman.

“Turn this AC down immediately! What the hell are you trying to do, freeze a confession out of her? Shut it off now! And open the damn windows.”

She slipped into the seat next to her sister-in-law and reached for her clasped hands. She might as well have dipped them into an ice bucket.

“Are you all right?”

Mary turned vacant eyes on her. No makeup and hair that begged to be brushed. When she was younger, her long blond hair softly fell to her shoulders. Emma supposed the chemo drugs had robbed it of its body and luster. Her face and clothes were clean. Not a drop of blood. Emma leaned forward to see her tennis-shoe clad feet. Not a speck.

“Don’t say anything to anyone. They’ll take you to the police station. I’ll call a lawyer that I know. He’s good. Don’t speak to anyone until you talk to him. I’ll meet you there.”

She squeezed Mary’s hands reassuringly. “It’ll be fine, you’ll see.”

The urge to lean over and place a kiss on Mary’s cheek surprised her. Mary had married her brother twenty-four or twenty-five ago. She didn’t remember the exact year, but she’d already graduated from the Academy and secured a job with the Pittsburgh police. No matter. The two women were never close. How long had it been since they’d spoken?

Her brother was a tyrant and Mary a saint for having endured life with him. She assumed Mary’s faith had a lot to do with that. She epitomized the word ‘sweet.’ She wouldn’t say shit if it gagged her. She certainly wouldn’t violate the sixth commandment. She wasn’t a killer. But how could Emma prove that?

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Midnight Deadline

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Henry Wondered by Hazel Pacheco

Henry Wondered by Hazel Pacheco

Somewhere in the bosque, in the open spaces near the Rio Grande, lives a covey of quail . . . In this episode, Henry wonders about many things. In particular, how to impress his first crush! When a handsome roo enters the picture, all seems doomed. Will Federico, a stranger and self-proclaimed talented flamingo dancer, foil Henry’s plan to impress Gloria? Follow Henry as he discovers the wonder of serendipity.

Beautifully illustrated, Henry Wondered presents a delightful, humorous tale that celebrates thoughtfulness and delivers a subtle faith inspired message that encourages overcoming pride and jealousy.

Targeted Age Group:: all audiences
Heat/Violence Level: Heat Level 1 – G Rated Clean Read

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
My inspiration for Henry Wondered is the desert quail who live in my native Land of Enchantment. I became acquainted with them during my many walks along the arroyos.

How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
The characters in Henry Wondered were created by combining my fascination with the curious desert quail and my own experience as a child. Similar to the characters in the book, when I was a little girl, I confused flamenco with flamingo and wondered why the dancers did not stand on one foot and wear pink.

Book Sample
Henry imagined Federico toppling over while trying to stand on one foot like a flamingo. Instead, Federico demonstrated his fancy foot stomping with a flourish of a raised wing and a shout of “Olé!” Henry was sure Federico had meant to say flamenco, but his blunder went unnoticed by the rest of the covey.

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