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Published: Sun, 04/10/22

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As A Child: God’s Call to Littleness by Phil Steer

As A Child: God’s Call to Littleness by Phil Steer

A small but profound book that unpacks Jesus’ deeply challenging statements about ‘becoming like little children’, one word at a time.
A welcome message for the worn-out and tired Christian‪, this book will open your eyes to remembering that beautiful state of childlike wonder‪.

Targeted Age Group:: All audiences (though written for adults)
Heat/Violence Level: Heat Level 1 – G Rated Clean Read

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
I was inspired to write this book by a poem, a talk, and a question:
The poem… I wrote on a retreat day at the start of the millennium: "… O to be a child again! And put off grown up ways…"
The talk… I gave a couple of years later on Jesus' words: "Unless you change and become like little children…"
The question… came out of the blue, some years later still: "So, when will you be writing your book?"
All of which story forms the Preface to the book.

Book Sample
“I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”
We can not compartmentalise our life and faith. We expect and hope and pray that our faith will affect the way we live our lives, but often ignore the fact that the reverse is also true. If we maintain a relentlessly adult approach to life, then little wonder if we find it difficult to adopt a childlike approach to God. But if, on the other hand, we make room to enjoy more childlike moments in our lives, then we will find this childlike attitude spilling over into our approach to our faith and to God. As we become more childlike, so our faith will become more childlike.
When Jesus called a little child to stand before the crowd, in essence he was saying to them, “Look at this child. Listen to this child. Consider this child. Learn from this child. Emulate this child. Become like this child.” And this, I believe, is what we need to do: to become more childlike, not primarily in the religious things, but in the everyday things. To rediscover our childhood. To see, once again, the world through a child’s eyes.

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