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Published: Tue, 01/04/22

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Fae or Foe? by C A Deegan

Fae or Foe? by C A Deegan

No one would want to kill a Faery, surely?!

Jack Crackley wouldn’t; teenagers don’t believe in such things. There are plenty of other things to worry about; his mum, jobs, school, the local bullies, not to mention some weird disease that’s affecting young children the world over.

However, things are never as they seem. Little eyes watch out for him whilst bigger ones seek him for their own ends. There’s a hidden world out there, and its inhabitants are in serious danger. Jack is going to have to get to the bottom of it all before it’s too late. And that’s a tall order when you have no idea who you really are…

A fantasy adventure like no other, where worlds collide and the monsters are not only from make believe. Things are going to get complicated. It’s a good job our brownie knows how to throw a punch!

Targeted Age Group:: All audiences
Heat/Violence Level: Heat Level 2 – PG

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
It was was reading those awful fairy books to my daughter over the years that got me started – she’s in her teens now and has now (with more than a little relief, I have to say!) left those behind. Those stories were all the same, even though there were hundreds of them. Same storyline over and over again. That’s what got me started with the Cracklocks. But I always wondered what would happen if someone didn’t like fairies, what they would do about it, and could anybody stop them? This idea grew, and the Cracklocks were born. I liked the idea of people who hated the Fae and everything they stood for. And who knew just how wicked those people were? I certainly didn’t until Anastasia and Agatha got their claws into me!

How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
From all around; things I see in everyday life. Some of them have come from people I know, some just popped into my head during my rambles. I knew the kind of Fae that I wanted to feature in the books, so researched the types that would fit. I take the idea and flesh it out so it meets what I thought. Its always a joy when someone new pops in to say 'Hello'!

Book Sample
“Elsie,” came the rich, comforting male voice. “Take it off the boy. It’s time enough now; it’s clear that the glamour isn’t working as it should.”
Jack started. “Who is that?” he said, shaking himself from his stupor.
“Okay, okay, I agree; it’s too far gone. I will get my things. Jack, just wait there for me, my dear; I won’t be a second.”
Jack heard Elsie leave the room, followed by footsteps on the stairs. The stranger spoke again.
“Jack, listen to me. We will help you, but what comes afterwards will be a little difficult for you to understand. At first.”
“Who are you?”
“An old family friend, Jack. I knew your father for a long time, and I promised him that I would keep an eye on you. Which I have, from afar; I was not allowed to interfere, but I have watched you grow up. But with your accident, things have changed and cannot go on now as they once did.”
“What do you mean?”
“All in good time, Jack. Let us help you first; it will answer some of your questions before they can be asked.”
Jack heard rustling as Elsie came back into the room.
“Okay, I’m ready. Jack, love, sit back in the chair for me. I think I can fix your eyes,” said Elsie, her hand pressing on Jack’s shoulder. To the unseen stranger: “I hope that we do not regret this.”
“Who is that man?” demanded Jack.
“As he said, an old friend of mine and your father’s. You can see him in a minute if you’ll let me help you.”
“I feel strange,” said Jack, memories swirling in his head. “Like I know something but don’t know it.”
“I know, I know. But we can help with that, I promise.”
Jack slumped back in his chair, feeling weak. He felt Elsie’s hands on his head, cupping him gently.
“Okay, my love. Close your eyes.”
Jack did as she asked. He felt Elsie’s hands move off his head, and then a feeling like his skin was stretching. It felt like a plaster as you pulled it off your graze, stretchy and a little tight. It continued to tighten until he felt something tear. It wasn’t painful; it was like pulling off the skin after a sunburn when it was ready to go. Jack felt it completely tear, unravelling from his whole body, and then the memories stopped swirling abruptly.
“Open your eyes, Jack.”
Jack did, and the light flooded in, causing him to squint. He blinked a few times and marvelled at that colours as he took in the sights of the kitchen again. Everything seemed intense, and the sun shining in through the windows dappled rays across the kitchen worktops.
“I can see!” he shouted, hands coming up to his face to rub his eyes. “I can see, Auntie Elsie!”
He looked to his side at the old lady, who stood there with a slight smile on her face, her hands gleaming with a shining silvery thing that was slowly fading away, like water draining. Jack turned back towards the window, and he gasped as he saw a dapper little man, elegantly dressed, standing in front of him on the tabletop. Jack’s jaw dropped. About twelve inches tall, he had pale skin underneath his smart green suit. He doffed his red hat to Jack with a smile and said in the rich, comforting voice that Jack had heard before, “I take it from the look on your face that you can see me, Jack?”
Jack fainted clean away.

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Falling into Magic: Destiny Falls Mystery & Magic, Book 1 by Elizabeth Pantley

Falling into Magic: Destiny Falls Mystery & Magic, Book 1 by Elizabeth Pantley

An accidental journey through a magic mirror. A portal to an enchanted land. A mysterious family she never knew she had. Hayden’s life is upended with the wonder of Destiny Falls. But it is tainted by the danger that brought her here and that threatens her newfound family. Can Hayden and her sassy sidekick remove the threat, so that she can begin her magical new life in this captivating world?

Targeted Age Group:: Adult
Heat/Violence Level: Heat Level 1 – G Rated Clean Read

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
I enjoy reading mysteries that take place in fascinating, unusual places with a touch of magic. Once I created the enchanted world of Destiny Falls and the people who live there, the stories began to tell themselves.

How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
My characters all have their origins in people I have known in my life . . . and then they are exaggerated until them blossom into a whole new being. My quirky 87-year-old mother always makes the family laugh with her antics, so she of course has a character patterned after her.

Book Sample

It all began when Hayden was six and she lost her cat.

Fluffball was a Himalayan rescue, the softest ball of fur Hayden had ever seen. She had visited the shelter with her grandmother and was immediately drawn to the cat's amazing blue eyes. She begged to take her home and promised she'd take good care of her. Nana had finally given in and the cat had joined the family.

She'd only had her a few weeks, but she had loved Fluffball. Then one day, her cat was gone. Snap. Just like that. The adults told her that the cat had likely snuck out a door or jumped out the bedroom window and ran away. But she knew the truth. It was the mirror.

Many children have odd fears. Clowns, bathtubs, monsters under the bed. Hayden was afraid of mirrors. She was so adamant that they had to take the mirror out of her bedroom. She only trusted those that were adhered to the wall, like the one above their fireplace.

Even as she grew up, she continued to be uneasy around them. She kept her distance and learned as a teen to put on her makeup and do her hair in the reflection of her shower door or in her small hand-held compact mirror. Sometimes, when she’d walk by a mirror, she’d swear she saw a man in there, looking at her. Oddly, she came to understand that it could be any mirror, but not every mirror. It was unpredictable. Over time, with nothing bad ever again happening, she convinced herself it was a good image that she saw – like a guardian angel. It prevented her from completely freaking out, and eventually he even became a welcome sight.
If anyone questioned her, she explained away her unease by saying she was superstitious – breaking a mirror means seven years of bad luck and all that. But the truth was harder to believe.

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Featured Book: Heat To Obsession by Nolon King

About Featured Book: Heat To Obsession by Nolon King

From the best-selling author of Pretty Killer, No Justice, and 12 comes Heat To Obsession, a delectable new stand-alone thriller by Nolon King.

Superstar chef Amanda Byrd had it all — a loving husband, two beautiful kids, and a critically-acclaimed restaurant — until her epic meltdowns caused her marriage to implode. After a humiliating year of therapy and eating crow, her husband Mike has agreed to take her back, as long as she continues to keep her inner diva in check.

Amanda’s guilty secret: during that year of separation, she had an affair with the talented young chef, Noah, who worked in the hotel where she stayed after Mike kicked her out. Nothing serious, just a fling that she broke off as soon as Mike let her come home.

But her indiscretion comes back to haunt her when a Hollywood power couple offers Amanda her own cooking show — with Noah as one of the cohosts. Her unsuspecting husband demands she say yes: Mike resents that Amanda’s restaurant doesn’t bring in what it used to, and private school for two kids isn’t cheap.

It’s soon clear that Noah hasn’t given up on luring Amanda back into his bed. He’s willing to destroy anything that stands between them: her family, her reputation, her career … and maybe her sanity.

A gut-wrenching, suspenseful thriller, Heat To Obsession is perfect for fans of Darcey Bell and Harlan Coban.

This Thriller book is available in these Formats: eBook

Buy Book Here.



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