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Published: Tue, 12/21/21

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Investing in Real Estate in Your Self-Directed IRA by Gabrielle Dahms

Investing in Real Estate in Your Self-Directed IRA by Gabrielle Dahms

Worried about financial security in your retirement years?
Discover how self-directed IRAs can fuel amazing investment returns for you.

Dejected because you still haven’t started saving that nest egg? Want to steer your retirement plan’s performance out of the slow lane? Need to know how to make smart money moves to retire in style? With over twenty years of experience as a broker and real estate investor, Gabrielle Dahms has a refreshingly straightforward perspective on saving for the future. Now she’s here to teach beginning and seasoned investors about the amazing potential of self-directed IRAs.

Investing in Real Estate in Your Self-Directed IRA: Secrets to Retiring Wealthy and Leaving a Legacy is a transformative guide that focuses on essential insider knowledge about real estate investments in a self-directed IRA. It shows how this powerful tool can grow your nest egg in exponential ways. With succinct explanations and vivid word pictures, Dahms straightforwardly leads you through picking the right investments and team. And by following her comprehensive strategies, you’ll be able to leave any frustrations of mystifying Wall Street brokerages behind.

In this fourth volume of The Real Estate Investor Manuals’ series is a must-have manual for Americans and US expats struggling to fund their golden years. If you like simple strategies, personal anecdotes, and refreshing approaches to an often dry subject, then you’ll devour Gabrielle Dahms’ eye-opening writing about self-directed IRAs.

You’ll discover:

• How to create a profitable real estate portfolio.
• How to accumulate retirement wealth.
• Strategies for accounts with low balances
• The dos and don’ts of SD-IRAs.
• How to find the right team.
• What resources you need.
• Tools for identifying scammers
• And much more.

Set the stage for living your sunset years the way you imagine NOW!

Targeted Age Group:: Adults
Heat/Violence Level: Heat Level 1 – G Rated Clean Read

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
The Real Estate Investor Manuals’ series originates from over two decades in the real estate trenches; first as a broker, then as a real estate investor. My intention to write one book about the topic turned into a series which still has other titles coming when realizing that one book would amount to thousands of pages. Instead, each book in the series addresses different real estate investing aspects and vantage points. Yet, each book stands on its own and reader may choose to read one or all titles in the series.

Book Sample
Why this book?

If you, like me, have ever seen an 80-year-old working at Walmart, Costco or other retailers, you most likely have encountered someone with insufficient retirement dollars. It breaks my heart to witness this, even though I know some claim that they like the social interaction of the job. Perhaps so, but wouldn’t joining a social club or visiting a park or volunteering do the same?
The necessity for a job long after people in most developed countries enjoy their lives, evidences the conundrum in which these retirees find themselves. Of course, anyone who desires to work when they are 80 or 90 years old is free to do so. But if you would rather enjoy your life by traveling, seeing your family, playing golf or bridge, or doing anything else to occupy your time and keep yourself mentally well, this book is for you.
The need to plan for the golden years comes years and decades before to ensure sufficient funds for that time. A good and adaptable plan allows for a great start to financial security and wealth. Many people, myself included, found themselves battered by the Great Recession. We limped away with portfolios now worth a fraction of their values before the crash. The Great Recession even the financially wiped out some of us. We believed we had a plan, though most of it usually was hands off and we discovered that the financial markets were out of our control.
This may mean having to start over or starting late. Now, our focus is more on a plan that allows for more control over the investments we choose. Please find the courage to start or to start again as soon as possible. This book advocates doing so via a self-directed IRA, which allows you to invest and save for retirement with alternative investments, including real estate. Savvy financial planning for your nest egg via an SD-IRA enables you to enjoy your life when you choose to retire—with much more control over your investments and better returns than Wall Street offers. And while time remains an important component in building your portfolio, real estate investments can supercharge your account.
Sail into retirement with full coffers and enjoy it. Take advantage of economic opportunities to generate income and security and become financially free. The appeal of securing one’s life and lifestyle and building wealth for the future lures. To do so even becomes necessary, given the immense social and economic changes of the past fifty years. Here is what I mean by that.
Pensions are almost non-existent today. Retirement planning has shifted from companies and the corporate sector to every American planning for himself. Yes, companies offer 401 (k) plans to qualified employees, but such plans invest in stocks, bonds and mutual funds, which return between 3% and 8% on average. Such returns, though better than a CD with your bank nets, are paltry when considering that inflation eats a fair amount of the returns.
But there is a better, more profitable way which we discuss in this book. It is the self-directed IRA, a legal instrument intended to help and encourage Americans to retire in style. You will discover how self-directed IRAs work, what investment options you have, how to get started, and much more.
Self-directed IRAs have been on my horizon for over two decades. They continue to be less well known than they should be, though the public is now more aware of them. These powerful accounts can help you grow your retirement funds in sometimes exponential ways.
A whole industry has grown around them since the late 1990s and early 2000s. The accounts came into existence in 1997 and only a few custodians held and serviced them then. Custodians differ from brokerage firms, something explained in chapter 5. Over the past 20 years, more self-directed IRA custodians have entered the field, a trend that is likely to continue. And that is good news for consumers.
However, confusion persists about the powerful growth vehicles self-directed IRAs represent. You will learn why that is the case and gain clarity to propel you to action. Buckle up if confusion surrounds how self-directed IRAs work or about how to proceed. Let’s clear the smoke and gain clarity on how to proceed. I will show options and ways to overcome whatever obstacles might be in your path to the retirement of your dreams.
Another important note is that this book specifically addresses investing in real estate through self-directed IRAs. Several reasons drive this focus. I am a real estate investor and broker who uses self-directed IRAs and who has spread the word about these accounts for almost two decades.
In a high cost of living and high real estate value area like the San Francisco Bay Area (where I live), being able to afford property is perhaps something that occupies many investors’ and would be investors’ minds. Even realtors and investors like myself have to find money to fund properties and deals.
Some of us may or may not qualify for conventional loans on properties and therefore have to be more creative in how to fund investments. When I first came to real estate some 20 years ago from a research and marketing background, I knew next to nothing about the subject. I quickly learned that access to money, either as financing or having cash, is the name of the game in real estate. I researched ways to finance property and eventually came across the powerful instrument that this book is about: self-directed IRAs. Self-directed IRAs are specific to investments, including real estate investments. The IRS has rules on them.
As already mentioned, these instruments were then much less well known than they are today. My aim became to educate as many people as possible so that they too could benefit from these retirement vehicles blessed by the United States government. Simultaneously, I continued to build my real estate portfolio via my self-directed IRA account.
During that time, I found that two essential components drive real estate investing: finding the money and finding the property, often referred to as the “deal.” Many people dream about real estate investing but get stuck with the finding the money part. Well, the good news is that self-directed IRAs can take care of that component because you may roll over retirement account funds you already have into such accounts.
You may already have either a 401 (k) or an IRA, neither of which allows for real estate investments them in their current form. You will learn how to shift to a truly self-directed IRA to do just that. Once the SD-IRA is established, finding the right property and investing in it grows the account.
As you can see, finding the money and the deals clearly stand in relationship to one another. The book discusses both. It provides fundamentals and pertinent examples, so that you gain confidence in self-directed IRAs and get started. The words of Plato, Athens’ great philosopher, the beginning is the most important part of the work.
But back to this book: it serves as a guide to assess whether setting up such an account is the right path for you, and if so, how to get started as quickly as possible. The adage that time is money applies in this case. The context is that time is a finite resource none of us gets back, and the more time anyone has in investing, the better. More on that later.
Much of the information in this book comes from years of experience in real estate and in life. However, I am neither a lawyer nor a financial consultant and therefore neither offer nor imply any legal or financial advice. Although you could consult with your CPA or attorney about self-directed IRAs, you may find that you know more than these professionals after you read this book. How to proceed should that be the case is another subject we will address later.
Real estate investing is a popular topic just as much as it is a popular investment option for SD-IRAs. The book breaks down real estate categories, their requirements, due diligence and management in SD-IRA accounts. As already mentioned, what you are about to read only applies to real estate investments.
For other allowable investment categories, and for financial, tax and legal advice, please read other books about SD-IRAs. Several excellent books about the topic exist. Articles and books about this powerful investment mechanism and vehicle are also more readily available. Many such books discuss the mechanics, such as setting up the account, rolling over funds into the account from other retirement accounts, tax implications, and briefly addressing allowable investments for such accounts. Consult the bibliography for some of them.
If you want to be financially secure in your retirement years, this book is for you. If you are looking for a better way to grow your investment performance, this book is for you. Whether you already have a plan in place and want to improve upon it, or whether you're just getting started and need pertinent information to guide you, this book is for you. And even if you currently have little to no savings for retirement and feel dejected by that fact, this book is for you.
Let’s get started, shall we?

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Featured Book: Bishop’s War by Rafael Amadeus Hines

About Featured Book: Bishop’s War by Rafael Amadeus Hines

This fast-paced and action-packed suspense thriller introduces us to Special Forces Sergeant John Bishop, decorated war hero, and nephew of crime boss, Gonzalo Valdez. After returning home from Afghanistan John’s hopes for a peaceful future are quickly shattered when he is catapulted back into the global war on terror through a succession of life-threatening events and corrupt intrigue.

He battles against terrorist operatives in New York, a powerful Afghan warlord, and a psychopathic billionaire with powerful White House connections. When John’s uncle gets involved, he proceeds to treat John’s enemies to a bitter taste of mob vengeance. From that point on the ride speeds up and the reader will have to hold on for dear life. This is a thriller not to be matched for intensity and breathless excitement—not for the faint-hearted.

This Thriller book is available in these Formats: eBook, Print

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