Henry Wondered by Hazel Pacheco
In book one of the Henry and Friends Series, somewhere in the bosque, in the open spaces near the Rio Grande, lives a covey of quail . . . In this episode, Henry wonders about many things. In particular, how to impress his first crush! When a handsome roo enters the picture, all seems doomed. Will Federico, a stranger and self-proclaimed talented flamingo dancer, foil Henry’s plan to impress Gloria? Follow Henry as he discovers the wonder of serendipity.
Beautifully illustrated, Henry Wondered presents a delightful, humorous tale that celebrates thoughtfulness and delivers a subtle faith inspired message that encourages overcoming pride and jealousy.
Targeted Age Group:: all audiences
Heat/Violence Level: Heat Level 1 – G Rated Clean Read
What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
My inspiration for Henry Wondered is the desert quail who live in my native Land of Enchantment. I became acquainted with them during my many walks along the arroyos.
How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
The characters in Henry Wondered were created by combining my fascination with the curious desert quail and my own experience as a child. Similar to the book, when I was a little girl, I confused flamenco with flamingo and wondered why the dancers did not stand on one foot and wear pink.
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