BookGoodies Featured and Bargain Books

Published: Tue, 03/07/23

BookGoodies Featured and Bargain Books Newsletter
Featured Bargain Book 03/07/2023: Your Well-Being Workbook for OCD by Sophia Todd

Book is Bargain Priced starting 03/07/2023 and ending 03/12/2023. Check the price on the book before you purchase it, prices can change without notice.

About the book:

A practical and comprehensive workbook that arms readers with expert strategies for managing obsessive-compulsive disorder. Drawing on a mix of seasoned wisdom and actionable advice, you’ll be guided through a multi-step action plan. Designed to help you overcome negative thought patterns, control your anxiety, improve your social life, and implement proven therapeutic methods for lasting success.

Featuring a concise overview of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, as well as ACT and ERP techniques, this book shares authentic advice that empowers you to take control of your mind and stop letting OCD hold you back. Even if you’ve struggled for years with no results, this book provides the latest therapeutic recommendations, making this book a must-read for anybody who wants to overcome OCD or anxiety disorders.

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Featured Bargain Book 03/07/2023: Essential Affirmations For, Empowering Black Women by Zena Williams

Book is Bargain Priced starting 03/07/2023 and ending 03/12/2023. Check the price on the book before you purchase it, prices can change without notice.

About the book:

Most of the time, our self-worth and ability to make things happen are overshadowed by our inner critic: that loud, constant voice in our head that keeps telling us we don’t have what it takes. But we can’t put all the blame on this negative voice. Our inner critic only lives in our heads rent-free because we let it.

Each time you believe you are not enough, don’t have enough experience or skills, and can’t do anything about what happens to you, you give your inner critic more power. It’s time to change that.

Zena Williams has spent many years successfully taming her inner critic through positive affirmations that rewired her mind to see herself as a powerful, confident woman who can do anything she sets her mind to. In this book, she has structured ways to help other women cultivate healthy relationships with themselves and succeed in their lives.

This book covers powerful ways to stay grounded, build balance, foster resilience amid stress and anxiety, and the 7 secrets to increasing self-confidence and empowering yourself. This book provides just what you need to start living your life with purpose and direction!

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Featured Bargain Book 03/07/2023: The Grand Facade: How your emotions shape you and how releasing them allows you to reshape yourself! by Danielle Gaucher

Book is Bargain Priced starting 03/07/2023 and ending 03/11/2023. Check the price on the book before you purchase it, prices can change without notice.

About the book:

Did you know that your emotions shape the way you are?
The way you interact with the world, the way you are with strangers, the way you are with friends?

Have you ever had one of those out-of-body experiences where your body is physically there, but you—the conscious you—is floating above, watching things unfold?

That’s exactly what happened to Danielle… and without ruining the story and the messages inside, this experience led her on a path to healing the emotions she had buried deep inside.

Because here’s the thing… the more we hold onto our emotions, the harder it is to release them. This can lead to the forming of a metaphoric hardshell around ourselves.

In this book, The Grand Facade, Daniele walks you through her own personal journey of healing body breaks by releasing emotions.

Danielle has reshaped herself through this groundbreaking work, and wants to share her insight and wisdom to help you start this process for yourself too.

And while the personal work won’t stop being hard, you will get more skilled and be better equipped to feel and love yourself through your emotions.

“Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing we’ll ever do.” — Brene Brown

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