BookGoodies Featured and Bargain Books

Published: Fri, 04/28/23

BookGoodies Featured and Bargain Books Newsletter
Featured Bargain Book 04/27/2023: Paranormal Pest Control by Lara Frater

Book is Bargain Priced starting 04/27/2023 and ending 05/03/2023. Check the price on the book before you purchase it, prices can change without notice.

About the book:

Who knew bugs could become demonic?

A year ago, a series of earthquakes hit around the world. The damage and loss of life were devastating, and the world became weird but no more in the quake zone known as Broken Brooklyn. Bugs became demonic, demons invaded, and people with psychic abilities grew stronger.

Frank Carver and Hector Ramirez, two exterminators, and Jenny Blake, a woman who can talk to ghosts, have created a business to take out these new pests. And business is booming.

When Frank, Jenny, and Hector come across a giant bug, things get even odder: friends go missing, a single female bedbug becomes a prized possession, and Jenny keeps finding bug-possessed people. Frank’s daughter, Angela, an unwilling participant, hears of the coming of the bug king.

As Jenny, Frank, and Hector keep hunting for the female bug and missing friends, they wonder if they are getting closer to what or who caused the earthquake.

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Featured Free Book: Sword of the Crown by Paul J Bennett

Featured Free Book: Book is free from 04/22/2023 until 05/05/2023 If the dates are the same, book is free one day only.

About the Book

“Classic fantasy with a wonderful cast”-Amazon review

Dame Beverly Fitzwilliam has trained for this moment since she first held a sword. Her destiny will be determined in a monumental clash of forces where her success saves the kingdom, but failure means certain death.

Grab your copy of the action-packed medieval adventure Sword of the Crown, and join the battle today

“Unexpected twists and turns with thrilling battle scenes” – Amazon Review

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Mercury Rising by J.B. Aspen

Mercury Rising by J.B. Aspen

Midlife—when the magic really begins…
Happy Birthday and hello Mid-life crisis. Hi, I’m Mercury Rodgers and at forty-five I thought life was over. Dead-end job, empty nest…it was just me and the cat starting over. Again.
But when I lost my house and moved in with my pickleball playing, ballroom dancing, super social senior citizen mom—that was the icing on my midlife birthday cake. Then, out of nowhere, my luck changed.
Or so I thought…
I won an all expenses paid trip to the Phoenix Inn. Now the bodies are piling up and I’m a suspect in a murder investigation. But the real surprise is: I’m not just a broke, divorced, empty-nester—I’m a witch.
And the magic is just beginning…
Join Mercury and her cat Mr. Yow, as she discovers her hidden past, murder, and the world of magic waiting for her at the Phoenix Inn.
The mystery begins at midlife…

Targeted Age Group:: all audiences
Heat/Violence Level: Heat Level 2 – PG

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
I love mysteries and magic and I was raised on both. Add in a bit of midlife magic and it made the perfect combination. And of course, I had to add in a super smart cat. Mr. Yow made writing this series super fun, so he also has his own book. Me-row! I can't wait to hear how much readers love Mercury Rising, it's a book with a bit of my own midlife magic, so enjoy!

How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
When I first started writing Mercury I knew she had to have her life be a mess and that she had to be reaching middle-age (whatever that is!). Mercury also needed a mysterious past, and boy does she have a doozy! She was adopted at age four with no memories, but she does have nightmares. In this first book she comes to realize that those nightmares might be more than just dreams to haunt her, and she might still have family out there–a magical family. And when she realizes that, well, getting into the magic at the Phoenix Inn and all that entails is not a choice anymore, it's something she has to do.
I also wanted to give Mercury grown children, but not too grown. I can't wait for her college age kids to come back later and create havoc in her life. Isn't that what kids do? Just when you think your nest is empty, they come back and fill it up. I can see future books where Mercury's kids visit but they don't know about the magic. Oooh! Exciting!
I also had been rewatching Castle and loved the mystery and madness in that series, but I especially loved the character of Martha, Castle's mom. That's why when you read Mercury Rising you'll recognize a bit of Castle's mom in Mercury's mom. Don't you just love Easter eggs? BTW Castle is full of Easter eggs too!
And then there's the ghosts and witches and supernaturals at the Inn. Oh, and of course, Mercury's nemesis, the hotel manager, Mrs. Haversham. And don't forget the very attractive, but moody, silver fox…or is he a wolf? You'll have to read Mercury Rising to find out.

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