BookGoodies Featured and Bargain Books

Published: Wed, 04/19/23

BookGoodies Featured and Bargain Books Newsletter
Featured Free Book: The EPIC Five Plan: 5 Steps to Reclaiming Your Health and Vitality! by Dr. Jason Bradley

Featured Free Book: Book is free from 04/17/2023 until 04/21/2023 If the dates are the same, book is free one day only.

About the Book

Two-thirds of us will die between the ages of fifty and seventy. Keep reading if you don’t want to become a statistic…

Several years ago, Dr. Jason Bradley found himself 100+ pounds overweight, with bags under his eyes, a surprising amount of hair loss, and more exhaustion than he ever dreamt possible.

Busy with an integrated medical center, he was seeing countless patients, making use of just about every modality you could imagine, from general to functional medicine (and everything in between). He loved the work, his colleagues, and his patients. Still, he found himself working longer and longer hours while pushing himself harder and harder…

With his hair falling out and his skin feeling drier than a desert, he was staring at a man in his mirror who resembled his grandfather. No matter the caliber of his medical practice, he was his hardest case to crack. Feeling shame and reaching his limit, as colleagues and patients expressed concern, Dr. Bradley sought outside help.

Alternative medicine, podcasts, online rabbit holes, and every possible avenue led to zero results. The problems persisted, leaving Dr. Bradley feeling like a fraud. He knew his life was on the line. He needed insight—a way to pull all the random puzzle pieces into a cohesive picture.

Dr. Bradley successfully reclaimed his health and happiness and took back his life. And now, through this book, he shares the foundation of how he accomplished these results.

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Niergel Chronicles – Last Hope by D. I. Hennessey

Niergel Chronicles - Last Hope

*Christian Fiction*

An ancient mystery…
A skeptical genius…
Powerful evil ancestors…
A dangerous underworld Crime Syndicate…
A horde of disembodied offspring of fallen angels who threaten the entire world!

Niergel Chronicles – Last Hope describes a journey of discovery, danger, and extraordinary mysteries. It follows the fantastic adventure of a young man with a surprising heritage as he uncovers the astonishing truth about his family history and the earth’s past. He finds himself facing dangerous perils and shocking supernatural threats. All while contending with unsettling truths that upend his understanding of science and the world, forcing him to face the reality of a Creator whose existence he has adamantly denied.

While following the evidence all around him, Jeff’s most profound discovery is the one he least expects — the proof of God’s creative hand.

Targeted Age Group:: 15-99

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
I'm a fan of Marvel movies and have always loved superhero stories. The Niergel Chronicles is a superhero adventure with a God-affirming worldview. The story of Jeff’s journey reflects the search that every man and woman confronts sooner or later. Jeff’s greatest discoveries are revelations about himself, and most especially, about his one greatest need — for a personal relationship with his creator.

How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
The story of a fictional family with extraordinary powers envisions what we would be like if not for the events that shortened the lifespan of Noah's descendants. It draws from the Genesis account of fallen angels and their offspring, along with contemporary hero adventures and a dose of Sci-Fi. It's been described as 'Ironman meets Lord of the Rings.'


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All information was provided by the author and not edited by us. This is so you get to know the author better.

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