BookGoodies Featured and Bargain Books

Published: Sat, 04/15/23

BookGoodies Featured and Bargain Books Newsletter
Featured Bargain Book 04/15/2023: First Spells (Vianne Sands Book 1) by Renata Riva

Book is Bargain Priced starting 04/15/2023 and ending 04/30/2023. Check the price on the book before you purchase it, prices can change without notice.

About the book:

A dark tale of witches, ghosts and magic.

Vianne’s life has never been normal. She sees ghosts and she has an affinity for magic. Now that she’s twelve, her magic is getting stronger and her life is about to get even stranger — and more dangerous.

Vianne has been raised by her single mum, Andrea, and knows very little of her other relatives. What she does know is that her mother is terrified by her witch sister, Suzanne. When Vianne’s grandmother becomes seriously ill, Andrea wants to be reunited with her mother, but this is the occasion Aunt Suzanne has been waiting for.

Vianne must learn about magic fast, but she has only a cat and a ghost to help her.

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Prize at the Bottom of the Box, A Leighton Sophia Rainbow Bath Time Adventure by Jaybie D.

Prize at the Bottom of the Box, A Leighton Sophia Rainbow Bath Time Adventure

Join 8-year-old Leighton, full of glee, when her bubbly bath turns into cereal you see.

In the tub, she swims and dives, imagine the adventure that comes alive. The bubbles in the bath, the cereal box so fun, in the “Prize at the Bottom of the Box”, a children’s book for everyone!

Targeted Age Group:: 5-10

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
My beautiful grand daughter! She is 8 years old and decided to rename herself this very name a few years ago and it's still going strong. Leighton has a vivid imagination and a lively personality, so creating a book series for her just seemed to make sense. This is the first book in the series with more coming soon!

How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
Leighton is never without an interesting mix of toys. They always seem to be a mismatch, which is where I came up with my supporting characters of a doll named Vicky, a Rubber Ducky and a evil shape shifting octopus.


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All information was provided by the author and not edited by us. This is so you get to know the author better.

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WE ARE ONE by Lorelle Taylor

Ever wondered what God might have to say about Islam? Christianity? Judaism? Buddhism?

Is it possible we could create a world where everyone knows that WE ARE ONE? A world where every person, every animal, and Mother Earth herself are all treated with respect? What might that world be like and what do we need to do to get there?

Find out in WE ARE ONE.

This remarkable book also further explores the lessons about life and death begun in Getting Used to Weird: A very different sort of Love Story, so you might like to read that one first.

Lorelle Taylor’s second book, WE ARE ONE, calls on the major religions to unite with the rest of humanity as we work towards a world of peace and harmony.

Get your copy today and discover how you can help to bring about this wonderful new world.

Targeted Age Group:: Adult

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
Conversations with God


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All information was provided by the author and not edited by us. This is so you get to know the author better.

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Jaded and Dating: The Definitive Guide to Finding a Partner for a Moment or a Lifetime for Women Over 50 by Gracie O’Devin

Before you pick up Jaded and Dating, ask yourself a few questions. As a woman over 50.
• Do you have the confidence to get out there or back out there to meet the person you want to spend time with?
• How does a women date safely today?
• Does your online profile have what it takes to attract the right person for you?
• Is it vital to let the other person know you are looking for a FWB situation? Do you even know what an FWB situation is? • How do you tell another person in the heat of the moment what you need or want sexually or that you have limitations?
The point of Jaded and Dating is to help you gain confidence as a woman over 50 and take charge of your own happiness. You are fabulous. You are beautiful. You are deserving of a companion who adores you. Settling is not an option. You are the mistress of your fate!

Targeted Age Group:: 18-88

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
Being single is difficult for women over 50. I have experienced being a widow and wanted other women to learn from my experiences. I believe we all deserve to be happy and should never settle for less.


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All information was provided by the author and not edited by us. This is so you get to know the author better.

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