BookGoodies Featured and Bargain Books

Published: Mon, 12/19/22

BookGoodies Featured and Bargain Books Newsletter
Daily Affirmation For December 19

Did you do something positive that surprised you today? Thanks in advance for sharing it with me. And now, here is today’s positive affirmation to keep you on your toes…

I can become successful in life using lessons from mistakes.

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Featured Book: Zoratama The Muisca Princess by Jaime Bedoya Martinez

About Featured Book: Zoratama The Muisca Princess by Jaime Bedoya Martinez

The history of pre-Hispanic South America is prolific in narratives of violence perpetuated, in battle and commerce, to an indigenous population. Mostly for the sake of feeding a perverse avarice and yearning for indulgence that was the fashion for Old World society at the time, this conquering force overcame great odds and difficulties to satisfy their greed for material treasure. They consequently took out their frustration and discomfort on these communities. Their occupation exhibited the brutality of a society desperate to pay their debts and build their riches with whatever could be extracted from other people, foreign lands.

Disregarded by history are the stories of the daily life of these indigenous people as they built true humane societies and developed myths to satisfy their curiosities of the workings of their natural world.

What has been lost to history is the spark of wonder when the European encountered the native for the first time, in submission rather than domination. Zoratama is that glimpse, told in the passion of a conquistador for a native beauty. The story is a tragedy of the forbidden, unprecedented and one that passion, eroticism, could not resolve. Love defeated by one of the many sins which motivated Europe to its genocidal tendencies. Ultimately it is not devotion to another being which drove the history, but rather devotion to the unknown.

Jaime Bedoya Martinez’s Zoratama constructs the structure for modern Hispanic society through the unrealistic passion of consorts of divergent worlds. His belief that the legacy of the Muisca has been abandoned is true, for beyond anthropological and archeological studies explaining in detail the life, religion, society of these people, little credit is given to their contributions to current culture.

And the assimilation, whether military or societal, of these cultures is anything but polite; the Spaniards greedy and brutal, the Muisca resolute and tribal.

Mr. Bedoya beautifully builds an alternate storyline which ultimately argues that commitment to passion and transcendence has no boundaries. Zoratama, the Muisca princess, and Lázaro Fonte, the Spanish conquistador, construct a love story for the ages, replete with spiritual integration and an offspring of a new race.

Ultimately, the writer in his true fashion destroys this love, immersed in the tragic myths of both races, in an absurd annihilation of people, family, emotion and sentiment because the ironic metaphor that evolves is the incarnation of a new race, culture and historical footprint.

This Fiction book is available in these Formats: eBook, Print, Audiobook

This book is in Kindle Unlimited!

Buy Book Here.

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Featured Bargain Book 12/19/2022: Communication Skills Training: A Practical Guide to Improving Your Social Intelligence, Presentation, Persuasion and Public Speaking by Ian Tuhovsky

Book is Bargain Priced starting 12/19/2022 and ending 12/22/2022. Check the price on the book before you purchase it, prices can change without notice.

About the book:

Lack of communication skills is exactly what ruins most peoples’ lives.
Do you want to know how to communicate with people effectively, avoid conflicts and get what you want from life?
Are you ready to hugely improve your communication, learn how to understand others much better and how to deeply connect with them?
This book is for you.

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Featured Bargain Book 12/19/2022: Be a Leader: How to Communicate Effectively and Master the Art of Public Speaking by Ian Tuhovsky

Book is Bargain Priced starting 12/19/2022 and ending 12/24/2022. Check the price on the book before you purchase it, prices can change without notice.

About the book:

Calling All Individuals Determined To Become Magnetic And Irresistibly Persuasive

“In-depth book reveals how anyone can become a master of persuasion.”

The author swears the methods contained in this book are 100% ethical and legal.


If you want to become the most influential person in the room that people agree with and follow then this will be the most important book you’ll ever read.

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Featured Bargain Book 12/19/2022: Middle Ageish by SHIRLEY GOLDBERG

Book is Bargain Priced starting 12/19/2022 and ending 12/27/2022. Check the price on the book before you purchase it, prices can change without notice.

About the book:

Sunny Chanel’s marriage is circling the drain when her husband marks his colonoscopy on the calendar and ignores their anniversary. With divorce papers instead of roses on the horizon, she says “au revoir” Paris and croissants, and “hello” cheap New Haven apartment and ramen noodles.
Encouraged by her friends, Sunny jumps into online dating, twenty-three years and twenty pounds after her last date. To her surprise she discovers dating might require a helmet, and occasionally armor to protect her heart, but after years of being ignored, her adventurous side craves fun and conversation. She’s middle-aged not dead. Then suddenly, on the way to reinventing herself, life takes a left turn when the one man she can’t forget calls with an unexpected request.

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