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About the Book
Before you can embrace your full psychic potential, you first need to unlock the true secrets to coping as an empath
Have you been told you are just “too sensitive” your whole life?
Are you an emotional victim to all sorts of people who leech off you, drain you, and leave you feeling raw?
Do you know deep down that your empathic abilities are actually a gift, but you have no idea how to get past the pain and access it fully?
Just dealing with the normal range of your own emotions is already hard enough, so when you’re an empath, being exposed to the emotions and energy of everyone around you can be extremely confusing and overwhelming.
And the worst thing is that empaths often suffer a range of emotional, mental, and sometimes even physical trauma before they learn how to protect themselves and work with this amazing ability safely.
You may have tried to solve your problems on your own, and perhaps that is what has gotten you this far, but tried-and-tested, expert advice will help you to take your empathic abilities to the next level.
In this supportive and practical book, you will discover:
What it really means to be an empath, and how this can impact your life if you don’t learn to manage this ability
What kind of empath you may be — and how to develop your unique skills for your own and others’ benefit
8 common problems most empaths struggle with, and what to do about them
How to awaken, handle, and develop your psychic abilities and harness the energy of the universe to work for you
How to recognize energy vampires, opportunists, users, and abusers and protect yourself from them
Simple, yet powerful exercises to develop your “clair” senses and strengthen your ability to shield and protect yourself from unwanted, external energies
How to recover from past trauma and set healthy physical, emotional, and energetic boundaries in place for good
What you need to do to establish a better connection with your higher self and spirit guides
How to eliminate self-sabotage, build self-esteem, and grow in self-love
And much more.
It can be hard to see this as a gift when it hurts so much, but when you’re able to conquer its challenges, being an empath can be so rewarding.
Learn from the wisdom and experience of other empaths who have overcome the struggle… and you will finally be able to fully and joyfully embrace your empathic gifts.
It’s time to step into your power!
Download book here