BookGoodies Featured and Bargain Books

Published: Tue, 02/28/23

BookGoodies Featured and Bargain Books Newsletter
Daily Affirmation For February 28

Have you told someone you appreciate them today? What were you thankful for? Use today’s positive affirmation to keep you on track for success.

I find joy and pleasure in the simple things of life.

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Featured Book: Living Squeaky Clean With Jesus by Jeannie Sharpe

About Featured Book: Living Squeaky Clean With Jesus by Jeannie Sharpe

A 90 day daily devotion that will help you stay focused on Jesus in this crazy world in which we live. Each day will provide a scripture and a prayer, along with note taking (if you choose).

The devotions come with a different topic each day that will help you stay focused on Jesus and help you stay squeaky clean in your personal relationship with Him. Personal challenges will help you have a changed life for Christ.

This Christian Focused book is available in these Formats: eBook, Print

This book is in Kindle Unlimited!

Buy Book Here.

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Grim Daze (The Grim Chronicles Book 2) by D.R. Martin

Grim Daze (The Grim Chronicles Book 2) by D.R. Martin

I intended the Grim Chronicles series for young adult fans of Harry Potter, Narnia, and Redwall. Book two continues the magical adventures of Howl, the boy wizard, and his human and animal companions in their battle for freedom. As new evils come to Grimsland, they must find new allies, stand with old foes, and tap into unimagined wonders. The story also includes chapter illustrations of scenes and characters. Your feedback is vital to improve the series. All reviews are welcome and appreciated.

Targeted Age Group:: YA and adult fans of magic fantasy
Heat/Violence Level: Heat Level 3 – PG-13

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
I was inspired to write this series while teaching ESL in Thailand. I worked with people from many countries and the experience sparked the idea of creating an adventure where different nationalities are represented by various heroic animals. Also, growing up as a navy kid, I am a big fan of old war movies and got the notion to use the events of WWII as a loose frame for the epic series.

How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
The assortment of animals characters I created were chosen based on natural habitats of mountain animals. What animals actually live in mountains? This prevented me from using giraffes and zebras, but it was easy to fall in love with the wolves and beavers and other animals in the series.

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All information was provided by the author and not edited by us. This is so you get to know the author better.

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Adam in Taoland by Jack Tymann and Ayesha Abdul Ghaffar

Dreaming Dreams; a Trilogy
Adult Fantasy Fiction (Inspirational)
Adam in Taoland
Dreaming Dreams I

30 Year Journey of Adam and Tariana — from the ages of 20-50, as Adam and Tari traverse the three moons of the the magical planet of Tao, at the far reaches of the Universe, in search of purpose and balance.

A meaningless life in Novana, under the control of humanoid robots.

Death is the only choice.

Until it isn’t.

In the 4th Millennium, a twenty-year-old Adam finds himself rescued from the utter nothingness of Novana – only to be thrown into a web of romance, corporate power struggles, and corruption.

Throughout a thirty-year journey of self-discovery – on the three moons of the magical, rogue planet of Tao – Adam navigates a fantastic new world of gurus, strange creatures, and conflict – with dangers lurking around every corner.

In an obsessive quest for power and position, he struggles to find balance in the irreconcilable demands of his professional and personal life.

Everything changes when Adam, on the edge of an abyss of confusion, escapes death’s clutches. He finds himself answering to a higher calling.

Will Adam embrace true purpose? Or is it too late?

Targeted Age Group:: 20 and above

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
My book is my way of giving back – by sharing lessons learned in my much-blessed life journey. It’s my legacy for my children and grandchildren—while hopefully reaching many others who might benefit from what I’ve discovered on my life journey. As an author, I was and continue to be inspired by the words of the greatest book ever written, the Holy Bible. This is the foundation of my faith – and of all I have come to understand about life and the individual mission each of us is created to fulfill. In writing this book I have discovered much about myself and my purpose in writing. I attempt to touch the reader through invoking enjoyment and learning. ‘Adam in Taoland’, while a story of self-discovery, is also a story of seeking truth. I do my best to shine a clean light into the dingy corners of eroding values and a disintegrating human society – to expose truth, mostly in a playful and inspirational way.

How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
The characters were based on real people I have encountered in my life with a little fantasy added into some of them. I wanted to show that people can be different yet the same no matter what form they come in


Links to Purchase Print Books
Buy this book Print Edition at Amazon
Buy this book Print Edition at Barnes and Noble
Buy this book Print book for sale at Book Depository

Links to Purchase eBooks – Click links for book samples and reviews
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All information was provided by the author and not edited by us. This is so you get to know the author better.

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