BookGoodies Featured and Bargain Books

Published: Mon, 10/10/22

BookGoodies Featured and Bargain Books Newsletter
Daily Affirmation For October 10: Working Together

I know you’ve got this one. If you need reminding, here’s your positive affirmation for today:

My body, mind, and soul work together efficiently to keep me healthy.

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Featured Book: Your Name by Mike Siver

About Featured Book: Your Name by Mike Siver

If your name is not a concern or value to you, why would it be a concern or mean anything to anyone else? Keep reading to learn how you can build and repair your reputation!

According to the Shakespearean adage, “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other name, would smell as sweet.”

But “Your Name: How to Build and Repair Your Reputation” by Mike Siver MAC, CDVC, BCBC would beg to differ.

Your name is one of the most powerful assets you have in this life.

Most people will tell you not to be concerned about what others think, but in reality, that advice can only go so far. In this world, appearances may not be everything, but it will certainly inch you closer to what you are striving for.

That is why how we present ourselves, both in person and on social media, is critical in honing a good reputation that can help you in all facets of your life.

And that is what this book is all about.

This book doesn’t tell you to be ingenuine. Rather, it serves to teach you — in the simplest ways — how you can go beyond the bad cards you have been dealt with in life and rise to your full potential as a person who has a lot to give.

In this book, you are taken through every complex problem you face at every stage of your life to better equip you with the tools you need to transform into the best version of yourself.

Here, you will better understand why respecting the name you are given is crucial in bringing faith to self.
Here’s what you’ll get:

Your Name and Its Value: Learn how to take personal responsibility in how you live out your life and value what actions can take you further toward your goals
Your Name and Life Skills: Enlighten yourself with valuable insights about how your choices shape your destiny
Your Name, Children and Youths: Get to know the impact that valuing your name can have on raising your kids to become stronger, wiser, happier people
Your Name and Racism: Become more mindful of how much internalized racism can affect your own perceptions as well as that of the people around you
Your Name and Being an Adult: Learn to walk the talk and become a model member of society by building on your values and integrity
Your Name and Joining the Workforce: Set yourself up for success in your career by learning how to position yourself to write a new and better story
Your Name and Adult Relationships: Build better relationships by learning how your name can be synonymous to trust
Your Name and Marriage: Reach your full potential as a husband or wife, mother or father, man or woman by learning how to work in alignment with purpose, respect, and collaboration
Your Name and Becoming a Parent: Become better parents and raise children worthy of a good name by learning positive involvement strategies
Your Name and Growing Older: Have a better understanding of yourself, where you stand, and what role you need to play in the world to live a life that feels authentic and virtuous

And so much more!

There are not many writings about the integrity of a person’s name, and what is out there is not written as clearly and simply as in “Your Name”.

So, if you’re ready to change an attitude, behavior, reaction, addiction of some sort, or just become a new reinvented person, this book is for you!

This Non-Fiction book is available in these Formats: eBook, Print

Buy Book Here.

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Featured Bargain Book 10/10/2022: couch by Misha Chinkov

Book is Bargain Priced starting 10/10/2022 and ending 10/14/2022. Check the price on the book before you purchase it, prices can change without notice.

About the book:

“couch” is a travelogue of one hundred stories about people from Couchsurfing – a global community of travelers, facilitating stays with locals or opening your home to visitors.

The book captures the author’s backpacking trips from 2014 to 2022 in different countries, such as the U.S., India, Thailand, Gulf Countries, and various parts of Europe, from Lisbon to Saratov. About a third of the stories in the book recount how the author himself hosted travelers, both in Penza – his native Russian province – and in Berlin, a city in which the author found a sense of home.

The focus of the book is on people and their cultural diversity. Ultimately, the reader will learn from this book not only how travelers interact with their hosts and how both hosting and surfing work – but also the endless permutations, from camaraderie to conflict.

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Featured Bargain Book 10/10/2022: Seventeen Days by Linda Griffin

Book is Bargain Priced starting 10/10/2022 and ending 10/21/2022. Check the price on the book before you purchase it, prices can change without notice.

About the book:

Divorcee Jenna Scott moves to a quiet California fishing village during the first Gulf War to make a new life in a house inherited from her grandfather. Her next-door neighbor recommends widowed handyman Rick Alvarez to fix her leaky roof. Jenna is intimidated by his good looks and annoyed by his self-assurance, but disarmed by his affection for his young son. She is still hurting from her ex-husband’s betrayal and resists the attraction between them. Rick has lived in the village for only three years and is still an outsider, friendly but not sharing his past with anyone. When an attractive vacationer is murdered, local gossip says he is the killer, and rumors spread about his wife’s death as well. Jenna is determined not to believe the gossip, but will she ever be able to trust Rick with her wounded heart?

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