BookGoodies Featured and Bargain Books

Published: Tue, 10/04/22

BookGoodies Featured and Bargain Books Newsletter
Daily Affirmation For October 4: Love & Healing

Did you know you’re filled with power and energy? Today’s positive affirmation reminds you:

I send love and healing to every organ of my body.

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Featured Bargain Book 10/04/2022: The Cookie Cutter Legacy by Deb Graham

Book is Bargain Priced starting 10/04/2022 and ending 10/09/2022. Check the price on the book before you purchase it, prices can change without notice.

About the book:

In this warm Christian historical fiction, Henrietta, a tough 95+-year-old North Dakota cattle rancher, weakened from a bout of pneumonia, comes to live with her great-niece in rural Oregon, bringing the family treasure with her. From the time of Queen Elizabeth I, each generation of the Van Demere family has added a cookie cutter to the collection, marking milestones, passing down their oral history. Each cookie cutter’s vignette tells a story of American history, including WWII spies and the Revolutionary War, the Civil War and Underground Railroad, indentured servitude, pioneers crossing the plains and the gold rush, barnstormers and orphan trains, safari and the Titanic, testaments of faith and strong women through the generations. Henrietta feels a bounden duty to pass the stories to Jerria. Will she complete the family heritage before it’s too late? If you love warm, clean, multi generational stories with a strong female character and loads of humor, you’ll love The Cookie Cutter Legacy by award-winning author Deb Graham.
Be sure to look for Peril in Paradise and Murder on Deck, part of the Jerria Danson series.

Link to get bargain ebook

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The Startup Agent by Raymond Sjolseth & Walter Key

Startup Agent Cover

This book is a roadmap to get started right after you get your license. It’s STEP 1.

Our goal is to help you as much as humanly possible START your Real Estate business. If you have recently completed “Real Estate School”, congratulations! You only learned how to pass your exam in real estate school! Real Estate school does not do a good job teaching you how to start, build and grow your business. That’s what this book is for. It’s a jumpstart

We want to show you what strategies and techniques will help you build the foundation of your business FIRST. This is required to grow and scale your business long term. In short, we will give you the information that will move the needle and produce results. Your job is to make decisions, implement and execute what we teach to achieve results. Can you do that with us? It will require discipline, consistency and repetitive tasks over time.

What this book is: We are here to show you, guide you, instruct you, and support you in executing the strategies we provide. The information that we teach are the exact systems and strategies that we used to build businesses over the last 30 years, both real estate and non-real estate.

What this book isn’t: This book is not your business “done for you”. This book will not do the work YOU need to do. If you will commit to the things we teach, implement and execute, your business will grow.

Targeted Age Group:: 18+

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
30+ years of watching entrepreneurs stumble, especially myself in various businesses but especially Real Estate Agents. Real Estate school only teaches you how to get licensed. There is nothing taught on HOW to actually start, build or sustain a business.


Links to Purchase Print Books
Buy The Startup Agent Print Edition at Amazon

Links to Purchase eBooks – Click links for book samples and reviews
Buy The Startup Agent On Amazon

All information was provided by the author and not edited by us. This is so you get to know the author better.

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