BookGoodies Featured and Bargain Books

Published: Mon, 12/05/22

BookGoodies Featured and Bargain Books Newsletter
Daily Affirmation For December 5

I know youíve got this. If you need reminding, hereís your positive affirmation for today:

I have all it takes to make this day productive.

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Featured Book: Brother Against Brother, Civil War by Steven D. Shepard

About Featured Book: Brother Against Brother, Civil War by Steven D. Shepard

Brother Against Brother, Civil War is a historical fiction novel about the experience of Captain Douglas Ivey (CSA) at the Battle of Mansfield, Louisiana. In this sibling adventure Captain Ivey is ordered by his commander to assemble a ragged unit of Confederate regulars and lead them south down the Red River Road on a dangerous reconnaissance mission to locate and number an invading Union Army. His mission warps his damaged unit to the Battle of Mansfield where Captain Ivey has to save his brother in the Union Army from being taken a Confederate prisoner. The Battle of Mansfield was the bloody Civil War battle that saved Texas from being invaded by hostile Union forces.

This Fiction book is available in these Formats: eBook, Print

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FEATURED BOOK: Hauntings – An Anthology


Chilling Tales that will take you through a labyrinth of history.
You will encounter a tormented Roman general.
A Norse woman who must confront her terrifying destiny.
Meet a troubled Saxon brother, searching for his twin’s murderer.
A young nurse tries to solve the mysteries of an asylum for the insane.
Down the passages of time to the Tudor age, Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn wander through a haunted garden and elsewhere,
a lost slave girl is the soul survivor of a mass slaughter.

These are just a few of the eerie tales which ensure that Hauntings is not for the faint-hearted.

Join us as 10 talented authors relate their historical horrors in this ghostly collection with a foreword by the eminent author of histories of medieval women Sharon Bennett Connolly.

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FEATURED BOOK: Santa’s Early Christmas by Lily Lawson

Last year Santa was hungry and thirsty by the time he delivered all the presents. But when he came home there was no food and drink left! This year Santa decides things are going to be different.

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Featured Bargain Book 12/05/2022: The Book on Gratitude by Jan Fraser

Book is Bargain Priced starting 12/05/2022 and ending 12/08/2022. Check the price on the book before you purchase it, prices can change without notice.

About the book:

The Book on Gratitude features thirty international heart-centered inspiring women authors who are dedicated to Healing the World with Gratitude. Whether you have experienced death or dying, adoption or traumatic health challenges or a body that won’t heal, there is a message for everyone inside these pages. The authors’ tender experiences and messages will reduce stress, promote more joy and happiness while supporting you and giving the gift of gratitude to heal your life.

Join us as we offer you page after page of strategies and possibilities to help guide you toward your growth, grace and gratitude regardless of the obstacles that lie in front of you. Created by Jan Fraser in response to the local and global need for appreciation for others in the world and with the foreword written by Jack Canfield, founder of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, The Book on Gratitude is sure to touch, encourage and bolster readers in every walk of life. Many lives, many stories, one book and one message: Healing the World with Gratitude! The Book on Gratitude is the 3rd volume in the Jan Fraser Inspired Life Series.

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