BookGoodies Featured and Bargain Books

Published: Tue, 11/29/22

BookGoodies Featured and Bargain Books Newsletter
Daily Affirmation For November 29

Which affirmation is your favorite, so far? I’d love to hear the story behind it, if you’d like to share it with me. Here is today’s positive affirmation to remind and inspire you:

I take a mini-break from the problem to let my subconscious find the answer.

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Featured Free Book: Sit Down and Shut Up: Finding Your Voice In An Insensitive World by Debra Alford

Featured Free Book: Book is free from 11/28/2022 until 12/02/2022 If the dates are the same, book is free one day only.

About the Book

An exhilarating story that will capture your heart through hardships and inspire you through perseverance and grit. Debra was determined to discover the purpose and destiny for her life. Many of us have grown up in dysfunctional homes, where you may have been told to Sit Down and Shut Up! Debra’s story shouts with victory, overcoming all odds and discovering her divine purpose through seeking God’s plan for her life.

If Debra’s story sounds like your story, this book is a definite must read to help you find your identity which in turn will lead you to your purpose and destiny. You will come to understand that you are the victor and not the victim, one filled with enormous potential and endless possibilities.

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Featured Free Book: Africa: Reframing Political Leadership: Discover new insights and the importance of leading from life through interviews with Africa’s Heads of State by Deanne De Vries

Featured Free Book: Book is free from 11/29/2022 until 12/02/2022 If the dates are the same, book is free one day only.

About the Book

The “Presidency” has developed into the most powerful institution in the world. These individuals can start and end wars, grow or destroy economies, leave their countries in a better or worse place. The impact of political leadership is felt more acutely in countries that are still developing. This is particularly true across Africa where political leaders are a strong determinant of a country’s sustainable growth trajectory, or lack thereof.

This book offers a rare opportunity to pull back the curtains on political leadership in Africa and hear first hand the real-life political leadership experiences of individuals who were Heads of States in Africa.

Through their face-to-face interviews with the author, we learn how political leadership is a result of all their lived experiences that began early in their life to form and influence their behaviors, worldviews, responses, routines and knowledge. Equally important we see that what sets apart those leaders that left their countries in a better state than when they first took office is their awareness of their people and country’s needs, their own character and the gravitas of the office; the breadth of education and experiences they bring to the office of Head of State; as well as a clarity of focus and objectives, including when to step aside.
Building on these firsthand accounts of political leadership and the work of French sociologist Bourdieu, a new framework through which to view and discuss political leadership across Africa is offered. The “Habitus: Leading from Life” framework captures how everything in their lives prepared them for their role and effectiveness (or lack of) as Heads of State.

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Featured Free Book: Starving For Vision: Find Your Tribe by Lisa Reho

Featured Free Book: Book is free from 11/29/2022 until 12/02/2022 If the dates are the same, book is free one day only.

About the Book

Everyone was created with a purpose. Everyone is a leader within their sphere. Do not let your purpose be stolen from future generations. The future may depend on you standing in the place and time you were meant to stand. Your future is not written yet, do not let someone else write your story! Own it. Live it. Become who you were meant to be.

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FEATURED BOOK: Write Without the Fight – Master Your Creative Process and Write with Ease and Satisfaction by Julia Roberts

Is Writer’s Block real? (Are headaches real if some people don’t get them?) If you’re thinking “I should be writing,” this book will get you there. The science of creativity will put you back in the game – master your creative process, work with your strengths, get help with your struggles. There’s worksheets, theories and just enough to fascinate the nerd in you. Practical tools and hacks ease your “not-writing-blues.”
We need your voice and contribution to get out of your head and onto paper. Share your insights and save the world. One book, one essay, song, poem, headline, script, story, or joke at a time.
Writers block and procrastination are not character flaws. They’re 100% fixable with the right tools at the right time.

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Featured Bargain Book 11/29/2022: Lake of Flowers by N.L. Holmes

Book is Bargain Priced starting 11/29/2022 and ending 12/01/2022. Check the price on the book before you purchase it, prices can change without notice.

About the book:

Hani is set to investigate thefts from the king’s household that turn out to be related to a more sinister attempt on the king’s life. Meanwhile, witnesses to the crown prince’s dodgy birth begin to die, and Hani fears for his daughter and her friend, who were also present. More secrets emerge about the prince’s identity, and Hani finds himself caught between the government and the radical revolutionaries who want to restore Amun-Ra by civil war, among them the queen, whom Hani has sworn to serve. Can Hani reconcile his desire for peace with his devotion to the King of the Gods?

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InnerPixel – We are all the same inside by Brian D Wilson

Set in the computer world, Inner Pixel explores the relationship between pixels of different colors. The story is narrated by Peter Pixel. He’s a black pixel who realizes that he’s invisible on the screen without the help of others.

Combining with pixels of various colors, Peter uncovers some of the science behind pixel technology. He learns how computers create onscreen colors and how it takes teamwork to generate the images we see on our computers, tablets, and cellphones.

Targeted Age Group:: 2 to 10

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
I started a organization to donate computers to kids and teach classes. The book came from the classes we taught to inner city schools. More information can be found at

How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
The characters are the building blocks of pixels in a computer. Main characters are Peter Pixel and Wally White. They are a black and white pixels. Their friends are RGB – red, green, blue.


Links to Purchase Print Books
Buy InnerPixel – We are all the same inside Print Edition at Amazon
Buy InnerPixel – We are all the same inside Print Edition at Barnes and Noble

Links to Purchase eBooks – Click links for book samples and reviews
Buy InnerPixel – We are all the same inside On Amazon

All information was provided by the author and not edited by us. This is so you get to know the author better.

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