Lifting the Fire Hydrant Lid follows a young idealistic raw recruit as they negotiate training school and life on a watch. With incidents and routine tasks woven into the story, it charts a journey into the heart of the British Fire and Rescue Service. The book utilises the rare perspective of a female firefighter, describing the pressure of life and death scenarios, the emotional turmoil and the unpredictable nature of the job alongside the intricate difficulties experienced by minority group.
It challenges preconceptions and provides a platform for discussion as to the true extent of equal opportunity.
Lifting the Fire Hydrant Lid highlights the reality of life as a Firefighter and will appeal to anyone interested in life in the Fire Service, the actuality of life in a male dominated environment, adoption and balancing parenting with a career
Targeted Age Group:: 16+
What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
I wrote this book to give a voice to a group of people who were not listened to. I also wanted to highlight to others in the same situation that they were not alone. I want others to have a better experience so this is the book I wish was available at the start of my career
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