THE END is a captivating love story about 2 high school students who journey through life during the end of the world. Jake & Katie’s love is strong enough to survive natural disasters, wars, political fighting and extremists. But is it strong enough to overcome their biggest challenge? Jake is a squeaky clean kid who made a commitment to never drink alcohol after his grandparents were killed by a drunk driver. Katie is in the party crowd at school.
You’ll love watching their love grow and leading up to the most shocking turn of events that will forever change their relationship and the entire story.
Most of all, THE END delivers a powerful message about being kind to everyone, regardless of differences. This is a book that will change the world!
Targeted Age Group:: young adult – adult
What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
Given the rampant fighting and disrespect of people in the world today, I wrote this book to deliver a message of peace and kindness to young adult readers. The YA audience is impressionable, and they are bombarded with messages and philosophies from many sources. My goal was to instill the reader with a desire to treat everyone with the same level of respect and kindness–even those who’s beliefs are the extreme opposite of their own.
There’s no sugar-coating the paramount ideological differences people have in the world today. This book approaches those differences head on. It teaches that opposition doesn’t necessarily mean one side is right and the other is wrong. It dispels the myth that the only way to achieve unity is if everyone feels the way you do.
THE END reminds readers that no matter if a person is a liberal or conservative, or they belong to one religion or another, or they support one team or another, they are all human beings, and all came from the same supreme creator. By removing labels that spark hate, and focusing on the genesis of humankind, we can change society for the better.
This book and each of its chapters felt inspired from the beginning. Thoughts and scenarios came to my mind while writing it that I had not planned to write previously. Often, the creativity flowed like a river.
How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
Character development was critical for the power of this story. Some of the characters and their habits came to me naturally or from personal experiences with friends. Other characters were developed after much thought and discussion with others. Once my creativity took over, it became clear who each character was, which lead to the development of their personality traits.
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