BookGoodies Featured and Bargain Books Newsletter
Daily Affirmation For July 30: Relationships – Getting to Know People |
Congratulations on your progress! You can do this. Keep up your momentum using this positive affirmation help you:
I enjoy meeting new people and initiate conversations.
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FEATURED BOOK: America: Standing Strong by Robert Emery |
In his interview with, award-winning documentarian, Ken Burns, spoke words that resonate today. “I’m very anxious. I want my country to survive. I want to look back on all of this and go, ‘Wow, that was tough, but we made it through’ – just the way my parents and my grandparents talked to me about the depression.”
“America: Standing Strong,” present the respected voices of investigative reporters, scholars, philosophers, scientists, medical professionals, and politicians across the political spectrum who provide truth and facts, not fiction, conspiracy theories, or misinformation. As the goes, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
Life is short; we only die once but live every day, stay curious.
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FEATURED BOOK: EDEN THRIVES WITHIN : A Collection of Awakening Poetry by J.M. Harrison |
REDUCED from $4.99 to $0.99 until at least the end of this promo as a new release offer.
This is a collection of poems of awareness. If you’re interested in poetry, new consciousness, awakening and enlightenment then there’s real nourishment to be discovered in reading this.
“Loved it! Textually, the collection is deep, written exceptionally well, and will please a poetic’s mind. If you enjoy poetry, I encourage you to read Eden Thrives Within by J.M. Harrison. I believe you’ll discover many poems to like, maybe even love.” ~ Kameron Brook, Discovery
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FEATURED BOOK: Seeking Angels by G J Griffiths |
Free Offer for Seeking Angels from July 30 to August 1 included!
When Detective Inspector Walter Button, of the 19th century Manchester police force, is ordered to take charge of the investigations into the massive spread of crime in Angel Meadow he has little idea of the size and spread of the task ahead of him. A simple burglary at a church where two teenaged boys are the suspects will lead Button into a world of gangland murders and political rebellion. The dedicated and practical detective also finds an even bigger challenge ahead when his rare romantic side begins to surface, confronting and confounding his professional aims and objectives.
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Believe by Angie Bailey |
Believe is an utterly captivating opening to a story that will lead you on an irresistible journey into the magical world of Believers and Never-Believers.
Abigale Johnson was born a Never-Believer, in a world full of greyness: no Christmases, no birthdays, no smiling and most definitely, no magic. That all changes with a fateful train journey when Abigale is catapulted into the world of the Believer Fae. A crazy, holographic professor, an enchanted train, and new magical best friends, combined with the tinkering of first love, a wicked queen and a host of lost family secrets await you, in a story that is likely to become part of your heart forever.
Targeted Age Group:: Ten years plus
What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
It is quite a strange story, to be honest. A friend of mine asked me if I had ever thought about writing a novel, and at first, I thought I couldn’t do it. I had absolutely no clue what I would write about. Plus, I didn’t think I was good enough, I suppose you could say I didn’t believe in myself or my ability.
Then, one night, I had a crazy dream about a holographic professor who ate sticky, sparkly-green, Christmas tree marshmallows, and Believe was born. I couldn’t stop myself from writing it down. Now, I have this amazing story in my head that just needs to come out.
Believe is about Abigale Johnson, who is born a Never-Believer into a grey world of sadness: no Christmases, no birthdays, and no smiling. This is a story that hopefully portrays that it doesn’t matter where you come from, we all have the power within us to be whoever we chose to be, you just have to believe.
Within Believe, you will notice I’m a huge Disney fan and throughout the book, you will find little trinkets that relate to the Disney films we all know and love. For example, Professor Mortley was one of Peter Pan’s lost boys and has his own story of the grey, Never-Believer world to be told.
How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
Professor Mortley was my first character, he was the one that appeared in my dreams eating a sticky, sparkly-green, Christmas tree marshmallow. The other characters in the novel are a mixture of people in my life and my favourite Disney heroes and villains. I've used personality traits and specific relationships to inspire the characters in Believe.
Links to Purchase Print Books
Buy Believe Print Edition at Amazon UK
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All information was provided by the author and not edited by us. This is so you get to know the author better.
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