BookGoodies Featured and Bargain Books Newsletter
Daily Affirmation For July 29: Relationships – Social Comfort |
Did you know you’re liked and respected? Today’s positive affirmation reminds you:
I feel relaxed and comfortable around other people.
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Featured Book: The Evolution Trilogy by Todd Borho |
About Featured Book: The Evolution Trilogy by Todd Borho
What could a moral and spiritual evolution away from a coercion-based society and towards a voluntary society look like? The Evolution Trilogy creates a universe where just a few individuals taking right action to evade and erode the state can have profound effects. Part one of the trilogy is a near-future, sci-fi comedy spoof of the James Bond franchise, in which James Bong and his ragtag group of anarchists, armed with The Truth, techie tricks, and a full spread of crypto currencies, attempt to wake people up to the true meaning of anarchy. This part of the trilogy is written in t.v. script form for a quick, action-packed read. Part two is a high seas adventure called “SeAgora”. This takes place about 50 years after the James Bong conclusion. A thriving anarchist seasteading agora faces increasing aggression from government mafias.
Can a young scientist unlock the secrets of faster-than-light propulsion to help the agorists escape to space? Throw in some shape-shifting artificial intellect characters, betrayal, and some power-mad A.I. dictators, and you’ve got a recipe for supreme adventure. Part three, “Agora One”, takes place 500 years after SeAgora. Anarchists from across multiple galaxies are active in a loose, voluntary agora, with jaw-dropping tech and physics-defying speeds. But what happens when the wrong tech reaches a group of statist, alien space pirates?
This SciFi book is available in these Formats: Print
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FEATURED BOOK: Darklight Redemption by Joe Mikolay |
A hero rises who makes it his mission to save the city. The people call him Archangel. He wages a fierce battle against the corruption that infests Stonebridge City.
But, as the criminal kingpins manipulate the system to escape justice, the innocent continue to suffer.
As the years pass by, Archangel begins to question if fighting the good fight can ever win the war. Or if, to save his city, he must descend into its darkest depths and become something else?
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Featured Bargain Book 07/29/2022: Rebellion at Ailon: Book 2 of the Thaddeus Marcell Chronicles by TJ Mott |
Book is Bargain Priced starting 07/29/2022 and ending 08/05/2022. Check the price on the book before you purchase it, prices can change without notice.
About the book:
On sale for $0.99 July 29 – Aug 5!
Mercenary Thad Marcell has some thinking to do after his disastrous mission to Waverly. He decides to go on a sabbatical and travels to the enslaved world of Ailon, where he assumes a false identity and volunteers for a medical charity. However, he accidentally gets caught up in a new rebellion to set the world free. Can he help them without compromising his cover? Because if the Ailon rebel leaders knew who he was, they would kill him…
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Homeschooling on a Budget by Jessica Marie Baumgartner |
Homeschooling is on the rise. After the pandemic exposed many flaws in the public education system, more and more American parents are seeking better options. But what about those who cannot afford private schools and have no access to good charter schools?
It’s never been a better time for home education. Parents from any background, with any income level, can give their children the best education possible by utilizing affordable tools within their community. From libraries to book sales and internet options, homeschooling has never been easier, and best of all, parents can do it for less than 5% of the costs that public schools spend on average per student.
Targeted Age Group:: 25-45
What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
After homeschooling for 10 years I got into an online conversation where many people argued that homeschooling is expensive and elitist. That is completely untrue and I wanted to share all the free and affordable homeschooling resources than low-income families use and share everyday.
Links to Purchase Print Books
Buy Homeschooling on a Budget Print Edition at Amazon
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All information was provided by the author and not edited by us. This is so you get to know the author better.
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