
Logline: This is a mashup of Goonies, Southern Comfort, Treasure Island, and actual history set in present day with the addition of modern technology and rich assortment of characters.
The Treasure of Conquistador Haven begins with a group of college students led by an aging professor, a Forest Ranger, and a television news crew, exploring and mapping an unknown area of the Ouachita National Forest in Arkansas known locally as Conquistador Haven and rumored to harbor Hernando De Soto’s fabled lost treasure.
The survey group encounters a herd of wild boars and one of the team suffers an injury requiring him to be taken to a distant hilltop for a medical helicopter evacuation. Camping the first night the ranger spots a distant campfire and is compelled to investigate it the next day splitting the group into three groups as one group takes the injured football player to the evacuation point, a second group explores around the campsite, and the ranger and a reporter go to investigate the campfire.
The campfire was from a group of three ruthless treasure hunters who, armed with an ancient map, have found what they believe is the treasure’s resting place in a shallow cave. Unknown to the looters their campfire was also seen by two teenage outlaw marijuana growers who also decide to investigate the campfire believing it could be competition growing illegal pot on federal land.
The teens realize the treasure is worth far more than their pot crop and they attack the treasure hunters beginning a gunfight/standoff with the ranger and reporter outgunned and outnumbered. Both sides attempt to end the standoff in brutal fashion leaving several people dead. An accident befalls the ranger during a gun battle leaving the television reporter to follow the surviving looter who escapes with a backpack of treasure.
Alone but determined to capture the killer the reporter pursues him through the forest using his hunting and hiking skills. The pursuit entails a cliff side shootout, wild animals, a trek through spooky dead trees, and a fiery confrontation at an old homestead site that the reporter ends with a stinging event.
The college students have radioed for reinforcements after learning of the gunbattle at the cave site and the injured Ranger but the rescue helicopter was damaged by gunfire and now the National Guard rescuers are stuck at the original campsite with the students waiting for more personnel as one Guard member begins tracking the reporter and killer.
The Guard member catches up to the reporter and killer near the end of the standoff at the old homesite. The reporter is thrilled to have backup and the two men spend the night watching for bears or the person the killer was seemingly going to meet.
The action does not end with the death of the looter as the next morning the Guard member and reporter discover another group stealing the real treasure of the Ouachita National Forest. The new villains are armed with high tech rifles and electric silent UTVs as they ravage the forest.
Capturing one of the new group the Guard member and reporter learn what the new bad guys are doing in the forest but they are soon in peril as the leader of the new group attacks them with the high tech rifle pinning them down as the treasure is driven away. The reporter must challenge himself more than ever, more than the standoff at the cave or cliff side pursuit prepared him for, as he faces off against a villain more cunning than the one he pursued over the last day.
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