BookGoodies Featured and Bargain Books

Published: Sat, 09/03/22

BookGoodies Featured and Bargain Books Newsletter
Daily Affirmation For September 3: Love ~Partners Completely Authentic

Did you do something positive that surprised you today? Thanks in advance for sharing it with me. And now, here is today’s positive affirmation to keep you on your toes…

I am able to be completely authentic in my love relationship.

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Featured Book: Born To Die by Sawyer Black

About Featured Book: Born To Die by Sawyer Black

This book will be free from 8/28/2022 through 9/7/2022

Only his memories can kill him.

Casey Marlowe’s life is a nightmare. Born during a tragic event that killed his mother and shaped the public psyche of his hometown, he grows up with the memories of his dead mother mixed inextricably with his own and the ability to see through The Gossamer.

Despite his best efforts to drown his visions with daily doses of alcohol, every horror his disturbed mind dreams up, manifests physically to haunt his waking days. It’s enough to drive him to end his own life. And he’s tried. Both through suicide and recklessly heroic acts. But every time he dies, he wakes up again and has to go on living in his hell on earth.

Desperate to find a way to defeat his demons, he discovers a deeply buried secret, and finally, a way to fight back. But his use of The Gossamer’s manifestations threatens to tear the fabric of reality apart.

If he saves himself, he might destroy the world.

Warning: Born To Die is a new epic horror novel written by Sawyer Black. It chronicles the adventures of Casey Marlowe through various levels of existence and hell and includes strong language and extremely graphic depictions of violent and torturous acts. Not suitable for all audiences and not for the faint of heart.

This Thriller book is available in these Formats: eBook

Buy Book Here.

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Featured Bargain Book 09/03/2022: When Bad Things Happen Box Set 2: Psychological Thrillers by Sharon A Mitchell

Book is Bargain Priced starting 09/03/2022 and ending 09/10/2022. Check the price on the book before you purchase it, prices can change without notice.

About the book:

Ordinary people living their lives. Then bad things happen.

INSTINCT – She was supposed to take care of the child, not take her.

REASONS WHY – She sold her kids to make a better life for herself. How do you come back from that?

MINE – He’s back and he wants her son. Needs her son, and will stop at nothing to get him.

SANCTUM – A life beyond redemption. Wait! That’s Wrong. Everyone can be redeemed. Right? Maybe…

How do ordinary people react to extraordinary circumstances? When the world they knew is no longer safe, when those they held dearest turn their backs, what is left?

To find out, read the When Bad Things Happen series of psychological thrillers.

Link to get bargain ebook

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