BookGoodies Featured and Bargain Books

Published: Wed, 08/24/22

BookGoodies Featured and Bargain Books Newsletter
Daily Affirmation For August 24: Relationships – Supportive Loving Partner

Are you using affirmations in a variety of ways? For example, have you searched for love on a comics or humor site? Tell us what methods are most helpful to you and why. And here it is; your positive affirmation for today:

I face each day with the support and love of my partner.

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FEATURED BOOK: Spirit Wind by Marilyn Meredith

Tempe, a deputy sheriff in Bear Creek, California, a small community in the Sierra, is enticed to visit Tehachapi by Lorna Collins, a ghost hunter. Tempe’s husband, Hutch, was less than enthusiastic to learn she’d been called to investigate a haunted house. Tempe, not unfamiliar with the spirit world, due in part to her Native American heritage, sympathized with the aims of her friend, not suspecting there were unholy forces abroad in Tehachapi. Almost from the moment they arrive on the scene, the couple is embraced by a local detective. the ghost hunter and a strange spirit manifestation.

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