BookGoodies Featured and Bargain Books

Published: Sun, 07/10/22

BookGoodies Featured and Bargain Books Newsletter
Featured Book: Many Million Dreams Ago: A Recollection of Romances by Dre Carlan

About Featured Book: Many Million Dreams Ago: A Recollection of Romances by Dre Carlan

Free book from 7/9 – 7/10, 2022

From self-harm to casual sex—, join one’s journey toward trying to find his other half while experiencing some of love’s darker sides.

This Memoir book is available in these Formats: eBook, Print, Audiobook

This book is in Kindle Unlimited!

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Daily Affirmation For July 10: Confidence – Answering Questions

I hope you’re making great progress. Use this positive affirmation to make more:

I answer questions about my goals without getting defensive.

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Featured Free Book: Darklight Redemption by Joe Mikolay

Featured Free Book: Book is free from 07/08/2022 until 07/12/2022 If the dates are the same, book is free one day only.

About the Book

Finding your place in the world is tough; especially if your world is filled with pissed off superheroes who want to kick your…
Darklight is a conflicted supervillain preparing to leave the bad guy business behind. But the disappearance of Drake Weston – criminal mastermind and genius billionaire- results in Darklight being enlisted for one final job.

The search for Weston will take Darklight on a tour of his own past sins and present strife. It will also bring him into the orbit of The Dominatrix – who’s new to the supervillain game, and has an abundantly more carefree approach to playing it. Little do they know that their search for one man will lead them to discover a threat greater than they could imagine.

If redemption is to be found for Darklight, he’s going to have to earn it. Even if it’s the last thing he does.

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FEATURED BOOK: Real Freedom, Why Franchises Are Worth Considering and How They Can Be Used For Building Wealth by Gregory Mohr

Check Out My New Book Wall Street Journal Bestseller: Real Freedom, Why Franchises Are Worth Considering and How They Can Be Used For Building Wealth for $2.99 for a limited time.
Franchise Maven Podcast Host

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FEATURED BOOK: Seeds of the Beldam by Keniveth Rexxon

Insidious interests collide on the village of Korostovei in this fantasy horror novella. Sivaera, an upstart gladiator and mage, must save himself from an eldritch horror that has targeted him specifically. He is dragged into an ever more convoluted web of conspiracy. He eventually uncovers the truth of the fate of a number of previous victims, and the revelations will forever haunt his nightmares.

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My Demon, My Jesus: Delivered from Demonic Oppression & Suicidal Depression; Brought Back from Death Into Victorious Life, Divine Joy & Visions by Blue Tapp

My Demon, My Jesus

In 1997 I killed myself.

God had another plan.

“My Demon, My Jesus” tells my extraordinary story about demonic oppression as a child and my struggle with suicidal depression as a young adult.

When I was 30 years old, I attempted suicide by swallowing a handful of sleeping pills. It worked. I died and my spirit left my body before I was brought back to life in the hospital. I am here today because God saved my life. He sent four angels who helped me call for help before I died.

However my battle with depression was far from over. I spent the next three years addicted to prescription medication under the care of a psychiatrist. But pills cannot cure depression.

Again God miraculously healed me. I am now completely free of depression and medication. God has shown me how to live an amazing life of joy and victory. ”My Demon, My Jesus” describes my healing process. I believe others who suffer from depression can follow these same steps to reach true lasting healing.

Then in 2019 I began experiencing astonishing visions where my soul traveled to heaven to pray for the world with millions of other saints. Today the visions continue weekly and God has taught me so much through them. He loves and cares deeply about each one of us and wants us to know Him intimately. I was being called to join with the saints in praying for our world, for a great awakening that would draw all people to God.

One of God’s charges was that I write everything down, every vision in detail. As I did this I realized that there was a connection between the visions and my own life journey, from my early experiences of demonic oppression and suicide to eventual miraculous healing through the love of Christ. I began to understand that my visions about God’s love for us were also a message to others struggling with depression. My own story of God’s healing could be used to help others learn how to seek God’s healing presence through meditative prayer.

So I told it all… from a demonically oppressed disturbed child who also fell in love with Jesus and prayed to become a Christian at six years old…to a suicidally depressed young adult who overdosed on sleeping pills and was brought back from death in the hospital…to years addicted to prescription drugs…to miraculous healing, victorious life, and divine visions.

My healing was miraculous. But it was not instantaneous. It was a process of learning how to think in a healthy way, how to shift my thoughts and spirit life from defeat to victory. My prayer is that my journey will help others climb their way out of the trap of poisonous thought patterns and prescribed drug addictions. There are so many of us out there fighting this battle…

Targeted Age Group:: 20s-50s

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
This memoir tells of my tangled passage from brokenness, drug addiction, demonic oppression and death into healing and spiritual awakening. Today I am completely drug and depression free. In the two decades since my suicide attempt and out-of-body death experience, God has guided me into true healing from depression, and taught me to enjoy a deeply victorious life. My prayer is that my story will help others escape from the prisons of their own demons and depressions.


Links to Purchase Print Books
Buy My Demon, My Jesus: Delivered from Demonic Oppression & Suicidal Depression; Brought Back from Death Into Victorious Life, Divine Joy & Visions Print Edition at Amazon

Links to Purchase eBooks – Click links for book samples and reviews
Buy My Demon, My Jesus: Delivered from Demonic Oppression & Suicidal Depression; Brought Back from Death Into Victorious Life, Divine Joy & Visions On Amazon

All information was provided by the author and not edited by us. This is so you get to know the author better.

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