BookGoodies Featured and Bargain Books

Published: Tue, 07/05/22

BookGoodies Featured and Bargain Books Newsletter
Daily Affirmation For July 5: Confidence – Getting Through

Congratulations on your progress! You can do this. Keep up your momentum using this positive affirmation help you:

I have the intelligence and the ability to get through this.

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Featured Bargain Book 07/05/2022: The Puppet Maker’s Daughter by Karla M. Jay

Book is Bargain Priced starting 07/05/2022 and ending 07/08/2022. Check the price on the book before you purchase it, prices can change without notice.

About the book:

Hungary 1944. The war comes late to Budapest. Nineteen-year-old Marika, forced out of nursing school, believes she and her Jewish family will remain safe, even as Nazi soldiers fill their cobbled streets. With Russians to their east, the Allies to their west, everyone assumes the war is nearly over. Her father, once a prominent engineer, returns to his passion for puppet making. Soon, she is pulled into the resistance to rescue orphans and displaced Jews while keeping her family one step ahead of Eichmann’s extermination plans.

As the world turns dark around her, the fanatical Arrow Cross Party, a ruthless group that listens to no one including the Germans, unleashes a killing spree on the remaining Jews of Europe. One day, as peril intensifies, she must make a decision that puts her in extreme danger to save herself, her family, and the orphans she’s sheltered.

Will she regret that moment for the rest of her life?

Link to get bargain ebook

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Featured Free Book: No Nursing Home for Me!: Strategies to Manage Pain, Improve Functional Mobility and Keep You Living Independently by Dr. Loraine Lovejoy-Evans

Featured Free Book: Book is free from 07/04/2022 until 07/08/2022 If the dates are the same, book is free one day only.

About the Book

Adults who are looking for ways to reduce pain and swelling will find answers in this book. Physical therapy exercises help build strength and improve function so people can live a full, comfortable life. These strategies can reduce the need to access the healthcare system and keep people living independently.

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Featured Free Book: Gold in the Golden Years: How to Create a Successful Business with the S.O.A.R. Launch and Grow Plan to Fulfill Your Purpose and Passion to Make Your Own Gold! by Nan McKay

Featured Free Book: Book is free from 07/04/2022 until 07/08/2022 If the dates are the same, book is free one day only.

About the Book

Are you ready for a change? Are you excited to take on a new challenge? Is this point in life the time to dust yourself off and start all over again?

Gold in the Golden Years provides options for flexibility and allows you to take charge of your own life and business. This book is broken down into four sections with easy steps, which will help you stay focused, organized, and ensure your right path.

Gold in the Golden Years is a blueprint for your dream lifestyle business with special features for women 50+. From A-Z, you can choose, launch, and operate a business with this S.O.A.R. Guide to success!

Want specifics from legal structure to marketing details? Create your own Action Plan! Nan McKay brings her tribe of women entrepreneurs together to provide specific, helpful advice and counsel all the way through!

It’s a MUST READ from a woman who created six successful businesses over 40 years.

Download book here

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