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Daily Affirmation For June 24: Self-Esteem – Deep Inner Peace |
I was wondering, which affirmation is your favorite, so far? I’d love to hear the story behind it, if you’d like to share it with me. Here is today’s positive affirmation to remind and inspire you:
I find deep inner peace within myself.
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Featured Free Book: Sinners Take All by K. R. Richards |
Featured Free Book: Book is free from 06/24/2022 until 06/28/2022 If the dates are the same, book is free one day only.
About the Book
Francis Nightshade’s assignment is to travel to Scotland, find a shroud brought to Scotland by the Templars in the 14th century, and discover who is murdering scholars also looking for the shroud. It’s not in his plans to marry and bring a wife along with him, but when he meets Violet Frost, that’s exactly what happens.
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Featured Book: Of Men and Dragons: Jack’s Landing by Steven Hayen |
About Featured Book: Of Men and Dragons: Jack's Landing by Steven Hayen
Jack was having a very bad day. He'd been scouting the edges of the known galaxy when he'd crashed onto a planet at the beginning of its iron age. What was worse, the natives are seven-foot-tall carnivores who are faster, stronger, and every bit as clever as himself. The only saving grace was that they seemed too afraid to get close to his ship for some reason. Hopefully, that would hold true long enough for him to repair his ship and get home…
S'haar was having a very bad day. First, she'd gotten herself kicked out of the guard, then the hunters, and finally, she'd rejected the village lord's son. Now it was early winter, and she'd been tied to a stake to appease the new dragon that had made a fiery appearance last night. If she managed to avoid being eaten alive or freezing to death, someone was going to pay…
This SciFi book is available in these Formats: eBook, Print
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You Do You by Daphne McDonagh |
You Do You by Daphne McDonagh
Daphne McDonagh shares her life experiences with you and hopes you may find that one nugget in her story to assist you on your journey. For everyone that has struggled through life and felt they could not be themselves.
Yes, tragic and horrible things happen, but you do not need to stay stuck in the lower vibrating energy.
The choice is yours about what comes next.
It is time for all of us to shift our energy to one of compassion vs. competition.
May this inspire you to follow your heart and do what brings you joy.
Targeted Age Group:: adult audiences
Heat/Violence Level: Heat Level 1 – G Rated Clean Read
What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
I was inspired to write a self-help memoir to share what it took for me to regain my life from brain trauma and to help and inspire others who have had a similar injury. Share the awakening and experiences I experienced while in a coma and learn what my purpose and path would be after I awoke from a coma.
I now teach and facilitate workshops to help others heal within positive healing energies with people and animals.
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About the Author
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All information was provided by the author and not edited by us. This is so you get to know the author better.
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Featured Bargain Book 06/24/2022: Bullox the Cat: the Unholy Monster War by Geoffrey C Porter |
Book is Bargain Priced starting 06/24/2022 and ending 06/26/2022. Check the price on the book before you purchase it, prices can change without notice.
About the book:
Thomas almost dies from a monster bite. He becomes part-monster himself. It’s possible he may want some revenge.
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Featured Bargain Book 06/24/2022: Fitter Faster: The Smart Way to Get in Shape in Just Minutes a Day by Loren Goldfarb |
Book is Bargain Priced starting 06/24/2022 and ending 06/29/2022. Check the price on the book before you purchase it, prices can change without notice.
About the book:
A lifetime of fitness in just minutes a day. I don’t have time . . . I’m too tired . . . I hate gyms . . . These are among the most common excuses for not exercising. But the truth is that getting in shape requires less time and effort than you might think. Examining everything from pre-workout stretches to post-workout protein shakes, this science-backed book slices through fitness fads and misconceptions to reveal how you can exercise quickly and effectively. For example, is it best to exercise in the morning? Does aerobic activity burn more fat than weight lifting? You’ll also learn how to get and stay motivated, what equipment to buy (and what not to waste money on), which dietary supplements really help, and how to combat muscle soreness. Fitter Faster explains how to: Find the right balance between cardio, strength, and stretching * Slash workout times with high-intensity interval training * Prevent boredom * Enhance fat-burning The accompanying Fitter Faster Plan, developed with celebrity trainer Brad Kolowich, Jr., pulls everything together. Requiring as little as 15 minutes a day, these quick workouts maximize efficiency-allowing you to reap the greatest benefit in the shortest possible time…all without ever having to set foot in a gym. With photographs illustrating each exercise routine, this eye-opening book will forever change the way you work out- and help you get fitter faster.
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