BookGoodies Featured and Bargain Books

Published: Sat, 06/18/22

BookGoodies Featured and Bargain Books Newsletter
Daily Affirmation For June 18: Confidence – Life’s Direction

Congratulations on your progress! You can do this. Keep up your momentum using this positive affirmation help you:

I feel good about the direction of my life and being me.

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The Trouble with Murder: A Hetty Carson Mystery by Vanessa A. Ryan

The Trouble with Murder: A Hetty Carson Mystery by Vanessa A. Ryan

Hetty Carson was once one of the upperly mobile of the Los Angeles jet-set. Then her husband walked off with millions of embezzled funds and all of Hetty’s credibility. What began as a search for the ex has turned into a new career: detective.

The Trouble with Murder is book one of the Hetty Carson Mystery Series. The story opens with Hetty being interrogated by the police about the murder of a bar owner. The man was a potential customer for her side hustle of selling tequila mixers, a job she takes because her PI business was slow. Of course, Gerry Delaney’s murder is a tragedy, but Hetty figures it has nothing to do with her. Unfortunately, someone thinks it does, and now she has to investigate why if she wants to stay alive.

Targeted Age Group:: 18-85
Heat/Violence Level: Heat Level 3 – PG-13

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
I wanted to write about a female detective who was once married to a wealthy lawyer who skips out on her with all their money and is wanted for embezzling from his clients. She becomes a private detective to track him down and solves other crimes as well.

How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
Some of the characters work in the Garment District of Downtown, L.A., where I once worked as a fit model for a garment manufacturer. I also worked with my parents as a designer for their clothing company and sourced fabrics from companies in the Garment District. All the characters are fictitious.

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Chasing Time by Thomas Reilly

Chasing Time by Thomas Reilly

A time-bending adventure like no other! A Literary Titan Gold Award winner, Chasing Time takes the reader on a thrilling adventure as history professor Tony Lucas seeks to unravel clues from an ancient time-bending key in an effort to save his wife from the throes of a devastating and deadly disease. The story takes the classic medical drama, historical fiction, and fantasy genres, and turns them all completely on their heads. With its sharp, precise, and witty style, Chasing Time is an engaging, must-read story like nothing like you have read before.

Targeted Age Group:: Adults
Heat/Violence Level: Heat Level 1 – G Rated Clean Read

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
My interest in character-driven and clever suspenseful stories provided the spark to write Chasing Time. As an expert in the field of biomedical research, it was natural for me to build the story around a medical theme.

How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
The main character, Tony Lucas, is a composite character of many persistent and loyal people I have encountered in my life. His wife's character, Ann Lucas, is built around my lovely wife Linda, who is also a retired and dedicated English teacher. George Janusowski, a key player in the riddle, resembles a professional biotech business development executive who I have worked with in the past.

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All information was provided by the author and not edited by us. This is so you get to know the author better.

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Featured Bargain Book 06/18/2022: Primal Instinct by Minerva Hart

Book is Bargain Priced starting 06/18/2022 and ending 06/30/2022. Check the price on the book before you purchase it, prices can change without notice.

About the book:

Freddie Molloy stopped believing in fairy tales a long time ago, and for good reason.

He lives in a flooded, polluted world where humans rely on technology to travel, eat, and have children. Dozens of animal species have gone extinct, and the oceans are more acid than water. The American government sold off sections of the country when it went bankrupt trying to fix the climate crisis it didn’t stop in time. Rich corporations now rule those sections of the country with a gold-ringed fist. Everyone must curry favor with them in order to survive.

Fairy tales have no room in a world like that. Or so Freddie thought… until he first hears a mermaid’s hypnotic song.

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