Targeted Age Group:: 4 -10
William is confident in all he does. Through William’s Whys, he shows us it’s ok to make mistakes as long as you stay positive and don’t give up. It’s okay to love yourself even when things don’t go right, and we can all learn from his spirit of self-love. This book makes a wonderful gift for the children in your life as kids see themselves in William’s character. Through this story, it is my goal for them to follow his lead.
Link To I Love Myself, William’s Whys On Amazon Kindle Unlimited
What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
I was inspired by some of my students. I wanted to express to them the importance of loving yourself no matter what happens.
How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
My character names are based of family and friends. Other times I choose names that I love to hear.
Author Bio:
Suzan Johnson has been the Media Specialist at an elementary school for over ten years. She is a voracious reader of books of all genres. Growing up, she loved and enjoyed participating in sporting activities such as cheerleading and softball. As a teacher she encourages her students to read a variety of books and participate in sports. Suzan is a member of Florida Reading Association, South Florida Writer’s Association. Johnson currently lives in the South Florida area.
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Link To book On Amazon Kindle Unlimited
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